LB&LI stands for Left Behind and Loving it. A series of virtual workshops that some of us who won’t be attending the RWA National Conference put on for anyone and everyone who wants to take part.
PBW has done it a couple of times now, and this year I’ll be following in her inspiring footsteps.
The week of July 28- August 3rd I’ll be doing a virtual workshop here on my blog titled VOICE: The Magic Behind the Words.
I readily admit I’m not a huge craft hound when it comes to writing, and there are few topic in the writing area that I feel confident enough about to give a workshop/lecture on. Voice is a topic near and dear to me, because not only is it something I feel makes an author special, it’s something I feel confident talking about. Not only has my writing voice has been called “distinctive and delicious” by The Romance Studio, but it’s something commented on often in reviews and by readers. If you want to learn what *I* think makes voice strong ….Join me here on July 28th and take part in my free Virtual Workshop.
OH, and There will be goodies to be won for those taking part.
VOICE: The Magic Behind the Words
What is it that makes a story stand out? We all want to know the secret, but the truth is…there is no secret. What makes one book stand out from the other, what makes one story memorable isn’t always the complicated plot or the unique characters. More times than not, it’s the author’s voice. In this five day online workshop I’ll help you discover and strengthen your personal voice and style, and show you the way to the magic behind the words.
Topics Covered
What Is Voice?
On the first day we’ll talk about what Voice is, and why it’s so important to develop your own. There will be exercises to help you discover your own strengths and discussion on how to capitalize on them.
What Is Style?
Your voice is part of your style, and your style is part of your Voice. The two are separate things, but they have to work together to create an individual flavor for each author’s storytelling. This day we’ll cover the different aspects of style and how to recognize your own.
Trusting Your Characters.
So you know your characters, and you’re ready to tell their story, yet you’re struggling. It might be because you’re not listening to them. Part of voice and style is the characters that you create. However, you’re not doing yourself any favors by creating fantastic characters, then not staying true to them within the story. I’ll share some my tricks with you on how to turn off your own mind so your characters can speak through you.
Trusting Your Instincts
We all have them, we just don’t always listen to them. You are now working for yourself, and you need to learn to trust yourself, in all aspects of your work from the words you put on the pages to the brand you want to build.
Last Chance Q & A
The final day will finish with a no holds barred Q & A period. If you have any questions left for me, this is the time.
Sounds good, Sasha. I’ll be sure to drop by. I think I might get *one* post up for the LB&LI. (Never done a workshop before. So going to keep it simple).
Ms.Jaye. I think you have a lot to offer in a workshop. You’ve been part of this industry for a long time, seen and done a lot, and KNOW a lot. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of thinking that just because your first book just released, you’re a newbie. You are not.
You’re a debut author, yes, but not a newbie to the industry, or to writing.
Hi Sasha,
What time are you going to be kicking your workshops off each day? I live in Australia and will need to convert the time, so I know when to log on.
Sandie, I’ll post the “lecture” part early morning, before I go to bed. So I’d say approx 2-3 am EST. The posts won’t be taken down, and I’ll check back in several times a day and night to answer questions.
Does that help?
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