New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
A new universe.

A new universe.

Action, emotion, and kick ass characters. Prepare to be hooked.

Authors are readers too. And as an author sometimes it’s hard to find books, especially in your own genre, that you can truly sink into without your writer brain trying to come to the fore. Like most readers I have a lost of auto buy authors. It’s not super long, and very few of the authors are erotic, but I’m thrilled to say I’ve added a new one to my list.

Candace Belvins.

I’ve read a couple of her straight up erotic stories before, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Candace writer hot, emotional and kinky erotic stories that leave no doubt of her ability to draw a reader in. But this past week I had the chance to read her latest Paranormal, and I’m hooked hard now.

It’s funny because I have Duke, on my tablet, even though I hadn’t gotten around to reading it yet. I admit it was the name BASH that really got me hooked, because I have a Bash in my Overwatch stories.(secondary character). So I was curious. Then I kept seeing snippets from Candace on social media, and I knew I really wanted to read him. I read Brain, then all three volums of Bash. Yes, the joy of being a writer is getting advance copies from freinds. I mentioned my love of anti-heros to Candace, and she sent me Brain,so I coudl see Bash be an asshole, and all of Bash, even though only Volume 1 is out so far, so I could then fall for him.

I’ve gotta say, I didn’t hate Bash after reading Brain. I get that he was a total dick at times, but I also saw that he had reason. Which is key to understanding any character, right? The reasons come out more in his own stories, but I have to say, there was no one star in any of the books. Okay, I think I may like Angelica, the heroine in Bash’s stories, the best. She is one kick ass, intelligent, and strong woman. (Like all of Candace’s heroines)

Note: Bash is three different Volumes, but they release only weeks apart. Just enough to make you excited, but not enough to frustrate.

CB_OnlyHuman_200x300Now, about all these books, I could go on about how hot the sexy times were, or how wonderfully unique the characters were, or even how it was nice to see some MC books where the guys actually do some illegal things (and not just to protect the ones they love). but what I really want to tell you is how well developed EVERYTHING was. The characters, the storylines, the was all so well done with little details and big that blended to gether to bring me right into the world. And after reading these Rolling Thunder books, I’m going back and starting from book one of her paranormals, because they all cross over just enough to make me want to know everything.

So, my advice, it doesn’t matter if you start at Only Human, The Dragon King, or The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle books, I think Candace Blevins has a kick ass world that readers can really get hooked on.  Kirsten O’Sheas Universe

I’m addicted to the strong, complex characters, deep emotions, and rich world building Blevins has achieved. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.