

I’m just over half way through this novella, and I sorta want to finish it, but part of me just doesn’t care if I do. However, I’m not moving on until it’s done. So I’m stuck.

Does this happen to you? DO you get all excited at the start of a new project and fly through the begining, but stall in the middle? Is this just me?

Is it a personality thing or is it a writing thing? I’ve had other writers tell me I stall because I want my characters to do something they don’t want to do. I don’t think that’s it at all. I think it’s more like, I’m bored with them so let’s move on. BUT I do actually like these characters, I’m just not interested in working on them. Is this some form of procrastination I have? It happened when I wrote my first novel last summer too. I was about 40 pages from the end and I finally just wrote the final scene, knowing that I was leaving alot undone in the middle, but not caring. I just wanted to write THE END.

So now I’m stuck not knowing if I should give up on this and move on, or push through. Ok I know I should push through, but I’m having a hard time doing it…This is just my whine to make me see what an idiot I’m being.:plain:

I’m going to write now. :satisfied:


  1. It’s happened to me many times. I have several stories in various stages of completion. For me, I find that setting aside a story doesn’t mean it’s the end. One day I wake up and discover that I have a renewed interest in that particular tale. I don’t know why that is, but it works for me. Perhaps if you shift your focus to another story for awhile it will give you the break you need to get back to work on your WIP. (And you’re not being an idiot! It happens to every writer at some point or another.)

  2. It happens to me, too. In my case, I think it’s because at about the middle I know how it’s going to end, so that kinda puts a damper on things. Why write it if I’m no longer entertained by the mystery of "what’s going to happen next?"

    I always have to push my way through from the middle to the end. Sigh.

  3. I think I tend to push on through with a book out of sheer cussedness and not wanting it to get the better of me. And like I said before, I think that even if it’s not that great, there’s something there than can be improved on… maybe after a ‘holiday’ from it, doing something else.

    Of course, it was so much easier when I was writing commissioned work and I had to finish it and I knew it would be published! But now I’m back to writing ‘on spec’ again, I can really sympathise with how you feel.

    Hang in there, sister!

  4. Sasha

    Thanks ladies! I think it’s much like Larissa says. Once I figure out how it ends, I’m not that interested anymore. AND Like Wendy says, it would be easier to finish if I knew it would sell for sure. :hehe:

  5. Sylvia is right. I’ve set aside one wip twice now. It’s next up as soon as I finish the rewrite. I know at about page 250 I start thinking OMG SAVE ME!!! But I slog through becuase I know by the time I hit 325 it’s all wrap up time. I guess maybe I don’t get bored because I don’t know the endings.

    That’s not always a good thing, folks. :crazy:

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