i try so hard not to pay attention to things I know will get to me, but lately, I’ve been having a hard time.
Things that get me down that I TRY not to pay attention to, but seem to be all in my face lately.
NEVER seeing any of my books listed in the “What I’m Reading Now” section of any blogs, or on any loops. (Not even friends, or my own editors blog)
NEVER having been nominated for a Readers Choice or Reviewers Choice or Best anything in any of the online polls or communities.
Hearing that other authors are going back to print again and again when BOUND is out of print and unavailable now.
All of these things are great news for the author, and I’m happy for them, but it does get to me sometimes that I never seem to be part of them. Is this because people aren’t reading me? Or maybe because they don’t like my covers so won’t post them on their sidebars? (I love my covers so I don’t think that’s it)
Bad reviews are rare for me, so if reviewers love my stories so much, why am I never nominated for a reader/reviewers choice? Is it because I don’t do much, if any, online promotions? Or just because while they enjoy my stories, they enjoy others stories way more?
Sometimes, the silly crap gets me down, and I just had to vent.:oops:
Something that made me feel good:
another great review for WICKED. This one is form Jennifer at Kwips and Kritiques.
“Sasha White knows how to write a mean BDSM romance! OK, not mean as in evil — no, mean as in wickedly naughty in the very best ways!… For a touching story that beautifully exhibits the true meaning of the term ‘BDSM Romance’, pick up your own copy of Sasha White’s Wicked. “
Read the full review.
Thanks Jennifer. You made my day!
Hello Sasha,
I am sorry to hear about your recent vent. I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy your books and recommend them to all my friends. We all love them. Wicked has been my favorite by far and I hope that you get the recognition that you so richly deserve someday. Until then, your #1 with me and always in my TBR pile.
Thank you, Nancy.:inlove:
Strangely, I do know I have fabulous readers out there who do the same as you. They talk me up and tell their friends and email me…Wich is why I try not to let the other things get to me.
The above mentioned things just make me feel like the outsider in a clique back at highschool. sometimes. Know what I mean?
I know exactly how you feel. You’re comments touched home so much so that I had to comment. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, just lurking, never commenting. Hang in there. I’ll get better!
Sasha. You are an inspiration and mentor to a lot of us. I not only respect your talent, I heart you as a person. Bound is and will always be one of my favorite books.
Thanks, Nancy. *hugs*
And thank you Anonymous.
I hate to write posts like Ii just did because I don’t want readers to think I’m all whiny and ungrateful for all everyone does do…but I also think it’s important for other writers to know that we all feel this way at times. And I know many of us o, because I hear it.
The thing is, and I do tell myself this, we all feel this way at times. And I think it’s good for everyone to see that they’re not alone in feeling like the outsider or the one left behind.
:cowgirl: Honey I STILL feel like I’m in high school!! I will be looking for the latest polls to add you. You are #1 to me. Fluffy girls unite!! :champion:
Sasha, I think you are a very lovely person! I am impressed with how direct and real you are, and that’s also what I love about your writing. This is your blog – it’s yours for sharing good news or venting or letting us know you could use an extra pat on the back. I know once in a while I think “why me” or “why NOT me” and it’s just in my small little world, not comparable to yours where you bravely express yourself in your stories!
Hope our various comments have helped cheer you up a bit 😉 I truly believe you can only continue to receive more recognition and build your readership (and reprint numbers!) as you deserve. Yay!
The above mentioned things just make me feel like the outsider in a clique back at highschool.
I totally get this!!!!!!!!
And honey, I don’t do any online stuff either–not really–so don’t sweat it :great:
Wanted to add, reviewers choice awards and stuff are great but the bottom line is…more contracts.
OMG! You totally nailed it, only I feel worse than when I was in high school because at least in high school I was in the “in” crowd. Sometimes because I’m not print pubbed I feel a little left out (and by some looked down upon) but there are always the awesome people who treat me awesome. (you know who you are wink wink) I heart you bigtime Sasha because you’re real. This is only my opinion but I think your publishers are making a mistake by not reprinting Bound.
Sasha, Amie said it – if you are getting contracts then people must be buying and liking. I don’t have time to post around much, but I do tell my friends when talking to them off of groups, and one just the other day told me she wants to try your books when I mentioned you, and that she’s noticed them from hopping around the net.
Emma…….it’s the dangers of a bunch of women….nuf said :inlove:
Allison, You’re right. I think we all feel the Why me, why not me thing, it doesn’t matter what we do, or where we are in life, I think we’ll always get flashes of it. Like you said. it’s real life. And Yes, your comments have helped alot! Thank You.
Amie.. Work work work… I keep reminding myself it will only get better. 🙂
Emma, I totally get what you’re saying. For me it was never an e_pub vs print pub thing, but when I started out I wrote straight erotica, before erotic romance became a genre and EC made it popular. And I always felt looked down on by romance writers. Is till do some times. Basically I just decided Fuck it. I LIKE writing hot sex. 😈
As for people who look down on you or act snide because you’re not in print yet, Fuck ’em. If they thin being in print is all that matters then feel sorry for them, because they are extremely close minded and uninformed. Besides, I’ve read your stuff and enjoyed it!
And Amie’s right, women are the worst for being judgemental…especialy if they see you as competition.
Thanks Pam! *hugs*
I totally missed this post. Darlin’, I know what you mean, I don’t win anything either – the CAPAs were a complete shock. I am usually the one who works her ass off for a C grade, Ugh.
Gril, you are so successful, I am always envious of your success because I can’t get anywhere with agents or NY. Plenty of rejections, over and over.
It’s hard, really hard, but you are a lovely, sweet amazing woman and I love you! Your books, as you know, are my favorites. Do a google search on yourself – I did. I searched for “Sasha White” “Erotica” and got 10,400 hits!!!
Can’t wait to give you one for real in April.
I saw this post earlier, Sash, but was feeling under the weather and wasn’t sure what I wanted to reply. But it’s been on my mind all day, and now I’ve come back to see that others have piped in with some great stuff.
I’ll admit that the first thing that came to mind is, you’re selling and getting offered contracts. That means, while folks might not be making a lot of noise online, they are saying “Yes!” to your books, your creativity, your voice in the way that matters most– they’re spending their hard earned dollars. What’s more, I don’t think I’ve ever seen just one of your books on the shelf, it’s ALWAYS several copies of the current release as well as your backlist. Again, you must be doing something right if the booksellers are stocking up on your stuff. I was chatting about you with another writer friend (how well you were doing in your career, btw) and she mentioned seeing your books stacked on the front table in the stores. None of this is insignificant, chica. A lot of very quiet someones, love your work! lol.
Look at this way, considering just how big Nora is in the industry, the amount of buzz she gets online is not reflective of her success. You’d think everytime she had a release it would be bigger than a JR Ward release. Yet, there’s Nora on every best seller list you can name.
I still say you need a break, maybe even a day at the spa being pampered. 😉
Thanks Vanessa!
You know, it’s fantastic to hear that my books are on tables in other stores, becasue here, inthe city I live in, the bookstores (aside form one independent store) do nothing for local authors. I’ve tried everything to get them interested, to help promote…put me in a Local Authors Section, but hey are just not fond of erotic fiction at all. They have a small section, usually in the back corner. They won’t put my books in the romance section (Although i have seen several other books from the same lines of Heat and Aphrodisia in the romance section) and they won’t let me do a signing because of “the content of your [my] books.”
I’ve no doubt that not seeing any support from the bookstores in my own city effects the way I think of things at times. They do stock them, but they hide them . LOL Oh, and when I ask if I can sign stock, they are really not enthusiastic.
I usually say, whatever.
Beth, Thanks so much Babe.
and yes, we are definitely going to have a good time at RT!!!
I finished Wicked a few days ago, it’s great girl!.I must say I got inspired to look into the lifestyle because Bound had an impact on me. I’d be thrilled if I could find a man like Karl. So, just because you don’t get mentioned as much as you want, doesn’t mean your books aren’t loved. Keep your head up!
:angel: Sasha and Beth- can’t WAIT to meet both of you over a drinkey poo or two at RT. I have a feeling it will be a blast.
As I thought about this more and more, and since you’ve dropped the “f” bomb, I know we’re kindred souls. Here’s what I think about the older books you have.
Don’t worry about them NOT printing your backlist again right now. Just concentrate on now, making books that women will continue to salivate over and then THEY will DEMAND your backlist! I think that’s the greatest revenge. Who knows? You may even get new cover treatments!!
Tell people who don’t like you to Kiss your Ass! That’s why I do!
From one ballsy woman to another, have a super day!
I will totally look for you at RT and want you to sign my book, it would be such an honor. The first book of yours that I read was Wicked and it inspired me to buy others and enjoy them this week while I have been bed bound with a nasty flu. Bravo, Bravo for such amazing work. :jump: You, totally ROCK!!
I was just having this conversation with someone earlier today. It’s hard sometimes not to let it all get to you. But you know what? I love your books and they’re on my top reads lists and I know I’ve rec’d your books when people ask about great, hot books so there. Oh and also I’ve seen others say so too.
Awards are wonderful but it’s good to take them with a grain of salt you know? You’re everywhere, your books are doing well and you’re a wonderful writer.
So just some love and a big hug and an “I’ve been there” (probably twice today) from me. BTW, I owe you a drink at RT.
Hey All:
Wow! Do some of things you’re saying sure hit home. I love “fluffy girls unite”. 😉
Sasha: As I mentioned eaarlier this week, I went to Borders and picked up “Wicked” Due to my schedule earlier in the week, I couldn’t start reading until this weekend. This book was sooooo phenomenal! I mean the sex was hot and steamy just like I want it. Karl had that “charisma” that made you want to… : 🙂 and Lara was a woman after my own heart. Just because we’re independent women doesn’t mean we can’t be loved and desired and treasured the way we deserve. This was a story that I could really sink my teeth into, AND it had a believable storyline. I really fell in love with book and it was well worth staying up into the wee hours of the morning to finish it! Thanks so much!!!!!
I think we all go through periods where we say, “What in the heck?!”, then we look around at the people in our lives that support us and that makes it all worthwhile.
You’re an inspiration to me, and I hope you keep doing what you do because we all love ya! :great:
Thank You everyone. You’ve given me a lot of the energy I needed to make some decisions this week, and it means more than you could know.
I’m thrilled WICKED hit the right cord with so many of you. I felt when I wrote it that it was my best yet. I really loved both Karl and Lara. I’d love to say I love ALL my characters equal, but it’s not true. LOL
Thank You everyone!!
Sasha, sweety if I knew how to add covers to the side of my blog I would definitely post yours. Are you kidding me your covers are *HOT & SEXY* I just suck at some things on the next what can I say LoL.
I want to let you know you are always # :champion: in my book. I love your books and I really do appreciate all you do and for giving us readers *HOT* :puh: stories to read. You know I received my copy of Wicked but I haven’t read t yet *Sighs* So many good books but not enough time. Once I read it I will let you know what I thought about it. I also made a new blog of books I am now keeping track of what I am reading of course I will be adding yours there soon. Will send you the link when I do 🙂
Remember you’re #1 to me and please do keep writing those *HOT* stories. I always recommend your books to my other reading friends and we do love your books.
Ooops ment to say on the net* not next LoL
Sasha, I’m sorry I’m late with this post. Last week was bussssy……….
Anyway, I’m a nobody here, but let me just say:
I LOVE that you don’t do all that online promo stuff… shows you got a life, girl!
When I see all those other author websites, blogs, etc….. what else do they do???!
I can tell you: nuthin’. You’ve got a real life, with a LOT of imagination (on the steamy side, but okay, you sell, I buy) & real life experiences that show in your writing.
Your book covers are perfect; please don’t change them. I am an intelligent, educated woman who happens to love reading & writing erotica (“hot sex”). I sososo hate buying books with couples in the wind about to throw each other down. Jeez, allow me my imagination please.
You have inspired me in a whole lot of ways.
So, this is terrribly late, & you may never see it, but in case you check back, I wanted you to know that you’re up there on my heroine pedestal. Please stay.
And …. if you’re ever in Atlanta, I’m looking for an autograph of my out of print, collector’s copy of Bound.
You know, it’s cold today, but it’ll be 66degrees this weekend. Winter’s much warmer down here. All the daffodils & crocus & redbud trees are in bloom….
Yay spring!