New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Beth’s blabbing again

Beth’s blabbing again

Good morning y’all! Greetings from your guest blogger. Sasha is taking the day off, but whe wanted me to make sure I announced the winner of the contest from yesterday for the autographed book. It’s EVE! WOO-HOO! Congrats girl! 😀

And now for the show…
A subject that’s been on my mind. Hip-hugger pants. I have to tell you, I always thought they were weird looking when I was 10 years old and wearing them 27 years ago. And now that they’re back in style. Ye gods! :crazy:

These things can make a 105 pound girl look fat because skin rolls out of the top of them. I’ve seen young girls with the waist so low, that their pubic bones were showing. Another inch and we’d see the actual pubes! Leave a little to the imagination at least, girls. :crazy:

As a woman who has birthed two children, I have a baby pooch belly. I cannot even fathom the possibility of wearing pants that low. I’d scare children and dogs! :O Yet, it doesn’t seem to stop some older women, I mean over 40, from wearing them. Ladies, ladies, ladies… you can look sexy without trying to look 16. Sorta like spandex, limited quantity please!

And that’s what’s been on my mind, but at least, not on my ass. :rolleyes:


  1. Oh yeah, I’m with y’all. Sometimes, less is more! And sometimes, the hint of mystery is so sexy! And why, oh why, do They insist I want to see up a girl’s skirt? Hmmmm?

    Honestly, imagine if it was all reversed and the guys were expected to show that much flesh! It so would not happen!

  2. Danica

    ROFL!!! Sela, I had no idea that was called a whale tail, but oh does that fit!

    I have huge issues with the amount of flesh today’s clothing designers expect me and other women to show. Don’t they realize that clothing is for covering up the fat rolls and stretch marks?

  3. LMAO! Whale tail – I hadn’t heard that either, but it’s perfect! :laugh:
    I agree with everything y’all said. And Cece, ain’t that the truth girl? Size does not necessarily mean buy me. You can look sexy in clothes that cover more than they show. :rolleyes:

  4. No, you don’t need to get rid of your mini-skirts, Sasha. They can be very sexy, and a length of leg can look just fab!
    I’m not wild about the whole "show your belly and pubes" thing. :crazy:

  5. No, you don’t need to get rid of your mini-skirts, Sasha. They can be very sexy, and a length of leg can look just fab!
    I’m not wild about the whole "show your belly and pubes" thing. :crazy:

  6. Beth

    double-vision up yonder. :confused:

    Oh, okay, Sasha. I didn’t know – a lot of your heroines have min-skirts. 😛

    Larissa – did you hear them howling when I tried one on? Geez, cracked the winders! :hehe:

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