New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author


I told you about not finaling in the first contest I entered. Well, I just entered my second contest. And I mailed the entry out before I found out about the first, which is a good thing because I might not’ve sent it if I’d waited. I entered the second one mostly because it has an Erotic Romance category and the final round judge is from a publishing house I would like to see my work. That’s what I told myself.

But I’ve been thinking about it a lot, partially due to some postings on
Alison Kent’s Blogabout contests, publishing, career decisions and how much more information there is out there for aspiring writers today. I realize that since I’ve become more ‘pro-active’, (read that I’ve been studying writing articles and websites and publishing houses guidelines and such) that my writing has turned sluggish and I have grown more doubtful of my own abilities than I ever have been! When I sold my first half dozen short stories, nobody but me, and the editor I submitted to saw them until they were in print. Now I doubt myself, my abilites, and I crave praise from cp’s. And I now know that I entered those contests more out of competitiveness than anything.

I’d like to say I’ll stop using cp’s, but I won’t. I have learned from them, and I feel that I can help them as well. I also love that I have other to talk to and commiserate with. But what I will do is get back to writing what I want to write, and what I think will sell.

I’d rather sell a story and have hundreds, hopefully thousands, read and enjoy it, than win a contest where only five people have read it.


  1. ceec

    You know I adore you! I think you’re wonderful and not just cause I’m your CP either. :crazy: QUIT READING WRITING ARTICLES!!!

    I took a class on GMC w/Deb Dixon last November and couldn’t write for a week. It left me shaken, nauseated and weak.

    You CAN write. You ARE a fab writer. Contests are subjective, and first round judges are typically other writers who (sometimes) can’t think outside the box. BTW check out the PASIC Contest (first round judges are booksellers).

    And don’t sweat contests where the final round judges is from a house that takes unagented submissions!! It’s a waste of money!! (Even though I stil do it :blush:)

    Now, go finish that novella!!


    Your loving CP who really could use something good to read.

    P. S. You rock as a CP and have helped me tremendously 😎

  2. I’m with ya! Knowing too much is sometimes worse than not knowing enough. It seems like the more I read, the more afraid I become that I’m not good enough to sign my name on a check, let alone write a publishable novel.

    I’ve finally had to pull back from my writing groups, RWA, and the internet just so I can get my mojo back! *g*

    It’s worked; I’m feeling much better and I’m getting back into the groove. But I’m still not totally there yet.

    Just keep pounding away at the keyboard and do what you have to do to protect your muse!

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