They’ve started posting the finalists for Lori Foster’sBrava contest on her message board. The contest is designed to help suss out new Brava Authors for their popular anthologies. Every week two more entries will be posted and two more contestants will be happy to discover that they’ve made it to the finals.
I’ve only ever entered 2 writing contests, and didn’t final in either of them. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while then you know the main complaint has been my grammar.:crazy: So . . .to me, one of the best things about this contest, besides having the chance to bypass the slush pile on Kate Duffy’s desk, is the fact that we all get to read the final entries. It’ll be a great way to form my own opinion on if there is more than just my grammar holding me back in this genre. I love it!
Grammar sucks!
OK, maybe just MY grammar sucks! :hehe:
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