I’m nuts!

I’m nuts!

I’ve always said I would only ever work on one story at a time….yet somehow I have managed to get myself caught up in 3!! :crazy:
I have The Devil Inside ~ Half done novella.
Playtime~ A 1/4 done short story,(sort of erotic mystery)
and Angelo~ a just started darker short story with a bdsm theme.
But it’s back to TDI to finish it off…then I can move on… I guess I just had to get the others started so I wouldn’t lose them.

TDI is the one I entered in Lori Fosters Brava contest..it might be a good idea to finish it..Jsust in case it finals. 😎


  1. Sasha

    Larissa~I’m not ready to even think about last summers novel that is still waiting for me to do rewrties and edits. 😛

    Dianna~ Get on it!! I’m sure once you start again, you’ll have a blast. I know this. I’ve read your writing. 😉

  2. ah (she smiles as she slinks in) – yet another person I can bring over to the dark side…I love corrupting people with my habits of having at least 3 unfinished things going at once (complete with query letters out on them as though they are finished). 😉

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