

Ok, everyone cross their fingers! I just emailed a rewrite of another erotic short story to my editor at Black Lace. Here’s hoping she likes it! :hehe:

In other news, not much is going on. I plan on working all weekend. No jumping of young bones yet. 😉 I picked up an extra shift at the restaurant on Sat, not the best thing I’ve done, but hopefully it’ll be short. Then I have another erotic short story to finish….this one inspired by my recent trip to Greece. It needs to be in the mail by Monday at the latest. I’m a bit behind. 🙁

Mystery, the kitty, is still alive and an adorable pest. 😛

OH! And this afternoon I’m polishing my entry for the SOME LIKE IT HOT! writing contest on Tawny Taylor’s website. If it places I’ll be sure to let you all know so you can go read it. :rolleyes:


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