Well, I had a bit of a rough weekend. Saturday was great. A friend came over and helped me learn how to use my computer. ( I got some website updates done.) Sunday wasn’t so great. I had the whole email fiasco, and I was on tenderhooks, waiting to see if I’d made the cut inthe LF brava contest. (I didn’t.
) Monday, I was on tenderhooks waiting to see if I made the cut in the Tawny Taylor writing contest. (I didn’t make that one either.
This may seem like small silly contests to some people, and YES, I know it’s all SUBJECTIVE. But the entries into these contests were important to me because the ms I entered were not erotic short stories. They’re Contemporary Romance novels (one is anovel one is a novella) My first attemps at moving outside my comfort zone. I was hoping for a bit of encouragement. I didn’t need to WIN the contest, but a final would’ve made me feel more confident that I could make the switch.:rolleyes:
So I dipped into the self pity pool for a short time. :doze:
Tuesday, I was over it. I was back at it, working on another short story for Black Lace. And although erotica is my comfort zone, I AM still trying to stretch my writing wings within that zone.
Then I checked my mail on my way to work and found a surprise. A padded envelope that contained a book. THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF WOMENS EROTIC FANTASIES. It was a free copy because they’d pubbed a fantasy of mine!:hehe:
It was a surprise because I’d subbed it back at the beginning of Feb. I’d recieved an email a short time after saying they liked it, but they wanted some small changes. I made them, sent in the rewrite, and never heard back again. I did not recieve any contracts, or sign anything, and the book is a total surprise. I’d assumed they didn’t like the rewrite. Since there was cheque included with the Book for the amount they’d offered in the call for submissions, I’m happy! I may not have finalled in a contest, but I sold another story!!
I now have a total of 5 erotic short stories published in anthologies,(with 3 different publishers) not counting various magazine ones, and a contract pending for another one.
Oh! And I’ve decided my ego can’t handle any more contests. :blush:
This write up alone should totally keep your ego boosted for a long time:
About the Book
The newest addition to the lustily successful Mammoth Erotica series features the year’s–and the world’s–best erotic fiction. Each selection shares a standard of excellence and elegance that takes their often humorous, sometimes dark, and always original fictions far beyond tired conventions.
Congrats Sasha!!!
I’m so happy for you. I hope once you’ve had time to put these contests behind you that you give contests another chance.
Congratulations!!!! :hehe:
:hehe: :laugh: :hehe: :rolleyes:
You’re so awesome!
Thanks, Ladies! I’m enjoying the high of having a book in my hands, and knowing that one of the stories, that the words on those particular pages came from my own imagination. :laugh:
and though I don’t know the in’s and out’s of publishing I do know that hard work pays off… so keep at it, it will happen for you
WHOOOO HOOOO Congrast honey!! That’s wonderful I"m so happey for you!!! :laugh: :hehe:
Gypsy, that’s wonderful news! Congratulations!! Don’t sweat the contests hon. To each their own path.
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