New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Getting Personal.

Getting Personal.

We had a pretty good discussion here last week about what IS erotic, and I’ve been thinking. Yes, I know it’s dangerous to do that, but occasionally I can’t help it. 😉

I find kissing very erotic. Just on it’s own, with no other touching or happenings. Just kissing.

I’ve always thought it was because as a teenager I was a ‘good girl’ when it came to stuff like that. Not so much because of my catholic upbringing, but because so many of my friends were pregnant by the time they were 15 that I was terrified of that happening to me too. I never had a boyfriend in high school, or even college, so I missed out on all that necking and petting one has when growing up, and went straight to full out lovemaking as an adult. (I was 21 when I finally lost my virginity)

Anyway, what’s your opinion? Do you find kissing to be erotic on it’s own, or just a way to get to the good stuff? What about the brush of a partner’s fingertip across your hand? Or the gleam in their eye that you can see from across the room? What single thing do you find most erotic?


  1. Single thing?

    Touch…. the casual meaningless touch can ignite a fire… soft caresses like firelight on her skin… deep wanting grasping touches…

    yes.. If I had to pick one thing.. it would be touch.
    "Maybe we’ ll never be seen together at night on a crowded street
    I may never reach across your body to kill the light when you’ re asleep
    Maybe I’ ll never watch you dressing
    I won’ t sound too familiar on the phone
    But I can touch your hand accidentally and take that moment home"

  2. There are many things I find erotic, but most of all it’s the **\possibility\** that most arouses me.

    For example, standing in the airport or some other crowded place. You see someone, a stranger, who appeals to you. You look, their gaze meets yours. You smile, they smile back. The possibilities are endless, the moment erotic. He could be married, so can you, but for one second, one smile, one look, there was the possibility…

    The rest of the day you’ll be smiling and he will too.

  3. Sylvia, I think you’ve said it all with the word possiblity. My thought process was on the look.

    You’re walking toward each other. Your gazes met. And you both look away quickly. Out of shyness. Embarassment for being caught looking. You’re not certain, but you can’t help doing it again. So you both do, and your gazes lock on each other. And then as you pass, you both smile but keep walking.

  4. Gosh, for me, it’s just that first look. The first time you notice someone the same time they first notice you. That is erotic. Me, it’s all about the eye contact. Watching a guy do _something_ is so crazily erotic to me–I love hands.

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