Getting mY butt Kicked…

Getting mY butt Kicked…

In a good Way! πŸ˜€

Last week was great. I got to meet Sylvia for the first time, go to Disneyland, do some writing, do some drinking and eat alot of junk food.

Ok. . . so I’m still feeling the effects of eating to much junk food but the rest was pretty damn good!
I’m not sure how far I am in my page counts for the WORD Challenge, but I’m in the middle of the final scene on my Black Lace short story. Then I’m going to take another look at GYPSY HEART and polish it up because not only have I received a request for the the full from Liquid Silver, but also from Elloras Cave!!

YAY!!! I’m so happy they are interested in my novel. I know a request isn’t a sale….but it’s one more step towards one!

In other news, the READER”S CHOICE portion of Lori Foster’s Brava Novella contest is now on. I didn’t do so well in this contest myself but my friend and cp Sylvia did. Her entry Stolen Pleasures is one of my absolute favorite stories. And that’s saying alot about her writing since I’m not a historical fan.
If you take the time to read the entries I know you’ll agree with me. What’s not to like about a pirate that steals a beautiful woman only to find out she’s actually his wife and — Ooops, I guess I better not give it all away! :blush:

Go check it out yourself! There are a few other great entries I recommend reading as well. Larissa, HelenKay and Ellen all finaled as well. Be sure to VOTE while your there!


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