Mixed Up

Mixed Up

A good friend is happy when their friends get something they want/deserve.

And I am happy. Please don’t think that I’m not happy for my Friends an peers that have achieved a good thing here!! I’m happy for my writing mates that finaled in the Brava contest entries. They definitely deserve any and all rewards that come their way.

Yet, I find myself feeling a bit sorry for myself. I didn’t final; therefore I won’t be getting any rewards.

I know, I know, “It’s a contest, and all contests are subjective. Submit the story directly to Brava anyway.” I hear you. BUT, the fact that I didn’t make the finals in the contest still plays heavy in my mind and keeps me from thinking that my story is Brava’s Style. It’s not that I don’t think it’s good enough, I actually think it is. That’s not to say I didn’t doubt myself about that too, but I sent what I have of the story to Suzanne McMinn, a friend I trust to be honest with me, and she said it was good! She even encouraged me to try and make it into a single title and try for some of the bigger houses such as Berkley! I felt great hearing that from her.

And despite the fact that I’ve had extremely good luck lately, with requests for a manuscript I thought would never see the light of day, and two more short story sales, I find myself feeling a bit GREEN when I think of those writers that did make the finals of the Brava Contest having Kate Duffy read their entries, and getting personal phone calls about what she thought of them. Maybe it’s because Brava is a line that I think I would fit into nicely, or maybe it’s because I’ve never received a CALL. I’ve sold a dozen stories, but not once received a phone call. Maybe that’s why I’m a bit jealous.

Whatever the reason, I don’t begrudge anyone their good luck. It’s earned, and well deserved. I think it’s human nature to also feel a bit let down. Does this make sense? Or am I being a bitch?


  1. You did know the first year I entered Lori’s contest I didn’t even come close to being a finalist, right? I still love that story, even though it hasn’t seen the light of day. The second time was the charm for me. 🙂

  2. (((Sasha)))

    You’re not being a bitch at all – you don’t mind good things happening for others, you just want your own piece of the pie too. Totally normal and I can totally relate.

    You’ve got publishing credits, which makes for an awesome query letter. Puts you above the masses, so to speak, so send your stuff out there.

  3. Jaq

    Can’t add anything to what the other ladies said, so I leave a friend to friend ((hug)) just because.

    btw, I’m very happy for all you’ve accomplished this year. 🙂

  4. Sasha

    Jordan, I did know that! It just proves that perseverance is just as important as talent! 🙂

    And yes Cece, I know your waiting for me to FINISH something. :rolleyes: I DID finish GH and sent it out, if your interested in reading the final version.;)

    Thanks Steph! 😀

    And Thank you, Jaq! Hugs, are much apreciated.

    I’m not down, or depressed. I’m just sort of mixed up. Mad at myself for being a bit envious, and feeling a bit . . .left out ? I guess what I’m trying to say here is that, while having my own highs, I am envious, not really of the final, but of the PHONE CALL from an editor.

    We, as writer’s, make that first phone call a big deal (and it is!) that I feel as if I’ve missed out on an important rite of passage. I mean, I’ve sold stories, I’ve even gotten interest from an editor in a novel I haven’t even written a partial on yet! BUT not once have I ever recieved a CALL. All of my dealing with any editor have been through snail mail, or email.

    Does that make any more sense?

  5. HelenKay

    Seems to me your feelings make you, well, human. And a really good one too since you celebrate the accomplishments of Sylvia et al. This business is hard. The wait even harder. It’s a matter of timing and having it be your turn. You’ve had a great few months. Best wishes for an even better 2005 – one that includes a CALL 😉

  6. HelenKay

    Yeah – she called. Was charming as usual. Explained why she picked the finalist she did, told me how much she liked my writing and looked forward to working with me someday soon – that was the really nice part 🙂 She asked to see the entry. Just as cool, said she and Hillary were going to dig out the two manuscripts they already have of mine from other requests (and which they hadn’t reviewed yet, grrrrr) and would get back to me ASAP with their comments and thoughts. All in all very positive. Came at a time when I was getting pretty down about my writing so if nothing else, gave me the incentive to keep trying. Thanks for asking!

  7. IMO, everyone is allowed to have a "Me" party. I have one whenever a co-worker strikes lucky with a good find. Allocate an hour to myself, and I’d whine, bitch, envy and swim in a pool of self-pity. All sort of emotions that I’d not dare to publicise. When the hour is up, I get out of the self-pity pool, and move on, feeling a bit more human. 🙂

    The way I see it, it’s all about balance. In order to be a ra-ra girl for myself as well as for the others, I have to have a private hour [or two] of Evil/Jealous/or/Pathetic Bitch to balance it out. FWIW. 🙂

  8. Sasha

    Jake, Baby, Come make me feel better. 😛

    Helen Kay~ I’m so glad that it was positive! What a bummer to know that they hadn’t even looked at your other submissions yet! But now they will, and that puts you another step closer!
    Good Job!

    Maili~ I agree, some "me" time is acceptable. And I’m feeling much better already! So good in fact, that my characters on my new project are yammering in my ear!

  9. No! Sasha, you aren’t being a bitch! I totally understand…I get that way, too. Every time I hear about a friend getting "the call," I’m happy for them, but at the same time I’m thinking, "why not me?"

    It’s natural, and no one thinks you’re being a bitch! 😀

    HelenKay!!!! Yay!!!! Let us know what happens!!!

  10. Sasha, Every writer goes through this. Goodness knows I do more often than I’d like. Sherrilyn Kenyon made my day when she jokingly said she had a voodoo doll of her best friend, whose career has been smooth sailing. When her friend reaches another summit, they celebrate together and then she goes home and stabs the doll. LOL! :laugh:

  11. Dianna

    :doze: I don’t Sasha the whole getting a check in the mail would validate me…but I do get what you mean about actually getting "the call".
    :hehe: Is now a good time to tell you Clive is getting married at New Year!

  12. Sasha

    You all are so great! I wondered about blogging about something like this, but, well, I don;t have a lto of secrets on here. lol . And now I’m so glad I did. To know that, yes, everyone feels this way at times makes it all better. I love the idea of a vodoo doll!! :laugh:

    And Dianna, Good Luck to Clive, the man was just not someone I would ever care to meet. Besides, Jake is VERY good at making me feel better. 😉

  13. I hope you’ve bounced back by now…I know what you mean about the call, and it’s kind of an ideal moment to aspire to. Like you, I’ve been handled mostly through mail though, and the nearest I got to "the call" was a call wanting to discuss and ask for a full, which has now languished unread in the editor’s tray for near a year! So getting a call sometimes isn’t all its cracked up to be LOL It’s a tough business and the various stages of waiting and hoping are a killer! Hang in there, honey!

  14. ((((SASHA))))

    At least you had the courage to enter. I still haven’t hopped over that hump yet.

    Personally, I’d go with Suzanne’s advice. Either sub it anyway, or expand it to an ST and shop it! 🙂

  15. Cece

    You already know what I’m gonna say, but I’ll say it anyway :). Writers are competetive with themselves and with other writers. The writer that just landed a three book deal is sitll looking at another writer going "She got six figures and I only got FIVE!"
    We ARE our own worst enemies, but rather than using that competitive energy to be green, use it in a possitive way and finish up something to query Brava with.

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