New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
I got Nothing.

I got Nothing.

First off Thank You to those that picked up GYPSY HEART yesterday! I feel like a real author knowing that I have a novel out now, and that people are readingit. 😛

I surfed the web, looking for inspiration, but found none. I have nothing to blog about. Well, except me that is. 😀 I won’t babble on about writing, or GYPSY HEART though. Why Not? Because now that the first day is over with..I’m going to push it to the back of my mind or I’ll drive myself crazy.:crazy:

Instead, my mind isn’t on writing today. I mean, I AM writing, but my thoughts keep jumping back to my weight. Yesterday I spent some time with my family- before you read any further I shoudl say that my family isn’t hugely OBESE, but most of us are overweight. – My Dad has lost some weight (very good for him as he has 2 knee surgeries scheduled this year) my mom has lost some weight, (Dr’s orders) and my brother …well he doesn’t need to lose any weight. (and yes Grace, I forgot to take a picture of him….but I’ll rememeber next time…I promise!) Anyway, my mom told me I looked good, like I had lost a couple inches or something…and while that felt good…I didn’t believe her.

In the past 2 years I’ve gained 50 pounds. Funny how this is also the last two years that I ‘ve been seriously focused on writing. When I think about it…I’ve replaced going to the gym, with writing every day. Then I started to cut my hours at work, to focus more on writing. It’s good, the writing is going good. I’m happy with that. But I’m having a hard time getting back into the habit of fitness.

The hard thing to accept is that, it’s not just the habit I’m having a hard time with. I’m having a very difficult time with my motivations for being fit. I’m not sure I even care anymore. It seems the only time I think about it is when I’m getting dressed to go out and I find that I don’t look the way I want to anymore. And even then, I only care about it for a few mintues, then I forget about it.

So, I’m not so upset that I’m not getting in shape , but I’m starting to worry because I don’t CARE about gettiing in shape anymore. I think I’m giving up.

But I know it won’t last. It’s not in me to give up for long. I just thought I’d share my babble with you all. :rolleyes:


  1. Sasha, you need to be careful of your health. You mentioned there was diabetes in your family, your weight could put you at risk. I’m insulin resistant, as I’ve said before, so I’ve had to really watch, too. I had so much trouble with my weight before I changed my diet. I couldn’t lose anything and I gained weight like crazy.

  2. Sasha

    That’s exactly it, Trace. I’ve always been able to control my weight, up or down, with ease. But these last couple of years have been different. But now that you remind me of the whole "G.I thing" I bet that could account for why I feel this way today…I had a bit of chocolate yesterday..and I’ve not had sugar in a while…so It could explain the lethargy.

    I feel a bit better already! Thanks! 🙂

  3. Dammit, no picture!!! How will I know I’ve found him if you don’t show him to me?!

    About the weight thing. Tell me about it. I need to lose a few (at least 15) before I go to Italy in August. Sounds easy enough but where do I find the time between work and school?! Bottom line is I have to make the time. I used to spend 2 hours a day (yes, a day!) at the gym and now I wave when I drive by it. Horrible me. We’ll share the same hospital room, k? You can tell me stories!

  4. :crazy:
    I struggled my whole life and still do. I had gastric bypass in feb 2004 after doing all the fad diets, Tai bo, weight watchers, ect.. I lost 150 pounds. I am still considered fat but I feel good. I think its all attitude too..

  5. :crazy:
    I struggled my whole life and still do. I had gastric bypass in feb 2004 after doing all the fad diets, Tai bo, weight watchers, ect.. I lost 150 pounds. I am still considered fat but I feel good. I think its all attitude too..

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