A new Contest!

A new Contest!

Check out the Sweet Treats page for my new SPANK ME contest. I think you’ll like it! 😉

Keep in mind that entering the contest will not only get you a chance to win the Prize, but with every newsletter I send out I include a special excerpt or short story just for subscribers.

I’m working on ways to make my Newsletter more than just a promotion of things to come and contests. I’d like it to be something you look forward to getting every month. Like mini E-zine. Silly me, I’d like it to be special. I’ve got a few ideas about including sexy articles and fun facts from around the web. But I’d love to know what YOU would enjoy. So please, feel free to post suggestions on here, or email me sasha@sashawhite.net and tell me what you’d like to see.

Also, there will be another contest posting soon, open only to those that have purchased Gypsy Heart.

Now, In regular blogging style. Last night was busy at work, and I ran my butt off. (I really wish that was literal. lol) however, I did find out that one of our temoprary delivery drivers is a writer too. And guess what? She loves sci-fi!! :hehe:

So, towards the end of the night, when it was slowing down, we had some chats about possible story ideas. I told her what I had in mind so far, and she really helped clarify. So, I think I can bang out this short story this weekend! Yay!

I’ll try and post a hint of it tomorrow. Right now, I’m going to go do the dishes and start on some errands so I can write all weekend and not worry about the state of my condo. Maybe if I get most of my errands done I can take a break and go see Sahara this weekend too!

*sigh* Matthew. Yum! And I have to admit. I like Steve Zahn too. He’s so funny! 😀

What about you? Anything special planned this weekend?


  1. 🙁
    Not feeling too good lately been lying around today. I did get my sons room cleaned and changed out. He was sharing a room with his older brother but he’s 6 now so he needs his own. My baby is not a baby anymore

  2. Sasha

    Hollie~ I hope you feel better soon! DO you ever watch Joan of Arcadia? Last night’s was about Joan’s mom having "empty nest syndrom" because her oldest was finally thinking about moving out.

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