

“If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.”
~Katherine Hepburn, actress

I don’t think she was talking about writing, but I find myself at the beginning of a new novel thinking about my characters, and all the wild and crazy things they want to do.

I tell you Katie and Joe are going to take me for a ride. How do I know this? 4 months ago, when I decided to continue their short story into a full novel, I wrote a synopsis for it. But since then, I kept stalling on the actual writing of it. Now I know why.

These two are full of surprises, and they are NOT going to stick to any plans I might have for them.

This is going to be fun! πŸ˜›

What “rules” have you broken that have lead you to FUN? πŸ˜‰


  1. Oh, let’s see… all of them? πŸ˜› Seriously, a friend of mine is giving a workshop on "the myths of publishing" and she says I just broke every one.

    Most recently: rules against backstory dump, rules against flashbacks, rules against tense shifts, talking directly to readers, changing fonts in a manuscript, crazy structure stuff, wildly different chapter lengths, slutty heroines, characters with similar-sounding names, calling character by several different names, using big words…
    oh, and submitting an unfinished manuscript.

    And it sold. Because it’s the story that matters. I love rule-breaking.

  2. :)Hey Diana, wow is that what that book is about, can’t wait for it go get to print. Congrats!
    :confused: oh you have to break rules to have FUN :hehe: no wonder I never have any. πŸ˜₯

  3. Yeah, pretty much all of them. It’s very liberating to flip the bird to all the morons who are strict adherers to the "rules" and who have cats when they see GASP someone drifting from the norm.

    Good luck with your rule breaking! :hehe:

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