I’m half Italian ~ Half Irish, and I was raised Catholic. I went to Catholic schools my whole life. However, my Mom said when I lived on my own, I coufd make my own desicions abtou the chruch and religion and when I first move out on my ow, religion was the last thing on mymind. But when I went to Nepal, (I was 24) I started to discover spiritualism. I spent just over three months there, and came back with a thirst fro more information. Since then I’ve learned more abotu many different religions and I have to say, I’m not a fan of any of them.
But I am a fan of spiritualism. I believ ein a higher power, I beleive in Karma, I beleive that we get what we give, and that eachperson should do their best to live a decent life and not intentionally harm others. There’s more to what I believe, but that’s nto whatI want to talk about.
The reason I’m bringing this up is because I spent some time on the phone with one of my very best friends tonite, and the hints that I’d seen in her in the last couple of years have now sprouted into something I’m having a hard time with. She just lost her job because she trusted the wrong person. She chose to say somethign that could get her fired to aperson she thoguth woudl keep it to herself, and this person didn’t. So now she’s lost her job.
Now my firend has a long histroy of trusting theworng people. This isn;t the first time she’s said/done the wrong thing to the wrong person. But, this time her reaction, after crying and saying she’d picked up bag of weed to make herself feel better, was to say, “I know that God has a plan for me, and this is just part of His plan. I need to keep the faith.”
Okay, I’m not knocking God, but that statement made me want to smack her. I wanted to say “This isn’t God’s plan! This is poor judgement. When are you going to take responsibility fro yourself and your actions?”
But, I’m nto rady to lose her as friend. ANd I do think that when I say something like this, I will lose her, because in my experience, people with new-found faith, tend to be willing to give up everything for that faith.
I don’t know why I’m blogging about this. It’s not real cheerful, but I’m just not sure what to do, or not do, or say. I’m perfectly ok with letting her have her faith, I believe in live and let live. But I’m having a very hard time dealing with her shifting responsibilty. I think there is a time when people need to grow up and be adult. AM I the only one that see’s it this way? AM I over reacting? AM I making sense?