Wow! It’s 5:30 in the morning. I pulled an all-nighter again! This one was unintentional though, and I wasn’t writing, I was website updating.
So I’m gonna show off all my hard work now.
First off. MEANDROS is released today from Amber Quill Press. Go Buy it!! It’s only $3.00 and it’ll look good to my new publisher if the first day sales are good! I admit it, I want to impress them because they’ve already contracted me for four more stories, without having any idea how my sales are. :satisfied:
Second. I updated my Contest Page. WHen you look at that page, please make note of the pretty banner at the top, and the HOT one at the bottom. I added those too.
I know, I know. Big Deal. But to me…a complete computer idiot…it is!!
OK, so when I type it out like this, it doesn’t look like much, but it took me 5 hours to do this stuff. Should I admit that? :confused:
For more surfing fun….Vanessa has a great little teaser up today.
In other news. I’m not seeing any results with the personal trainer. And I am working out more(4-5 times a week), and being careful of what I eat (I haven’t had chocolate in TOO long, and no pizza in two weeks!). I’m almost ready to do as my Mom asks and go see a doctor. She thinks there’s a hormonal reason or health reason behind this sudden inability to lose weight. Me? I’m not sure. I sorta think maybe, but then I wonder if I’m just kidding myself. Maybe I’m not working at it hard enough. I am working at it…but I’mnot workignout like I used to when I was an actual athlete. But I don’t think I should have to TRAIN in order to get healthy and lose weight. It’s not like I’m going to compete in anything.
Oh well, that sorta thinking isn’t somethign I want to dwell on right now.
Instead…I’m going to go to bed, and dream about Karl. Remember him?
Later guys! Enjoy your Sunday!
Hey, hon. How long you been working with the trainer? I know they tend to be very conservative when it comes to the rate of weight loss, aiming for appx 2/per week. BUT if your doing weight you may not actually see any change on the scales because your building muscle and muscle fibre ‘weighs’ more that body fat. Because it’s more dense. On the other hand you should have lost inches for the same reason. Just saying not to get discouraged at the slow start. ::hugs::
Thanks for the link, shugs, but that *Luv Bites* posted on my blog is something I wrote a couple of years for fun. It’s not a teaser.
And speaking of teasers, I’ll be getting Meandros after that little clip I read.
It’s been a month with the trainer, and only a 2 pound lwegihtlosss, and I kwno all abtou muscle loss and fat loss. ANd noneo fo it’s happening. The thing is, It’s not liek this is the first time I’ve had to lose large amounts of weight. It’e the fourth actually. ANd it’s always been relatively easy coming off. This time….nothing.
I do sorta think something’s wrong…it can;t all be becasue I’m older. LOL
Thanks for picking up MEANDROS!!
they do say the more times you go thru the cycle of taking weight off/putting it on, or vice-versa, the harder it gets each time. Your body starts to resist. Then of course, our metabolism slows down after we hit 30 (so you have one more year.
Doesn’t hurt to see the doc, tho.
No worries about the book, that was a great excerpt you put up.
Uhmm Jaq? I’m 35, I’ll be 36 this year. LOL Or were you trying to compliment me? LOL Man I’m so brain dead today.
WTF? Today is Sunday?! Oh, crap. Thanks for the heads up.
LOL Maili!
Sylvia, who knows the feeling… :crazy:
LOVE the cover of Meandros and the excerpt sounds sooo good; a book to be read for sure.
Congrats on the release! Yay!
Thanks everyone!!
I’m feelign pretty good about this story. I can’t help it. I just love short stories!
Yay on the release!!
And it can’t hurt to see a doctor about it. Your clothes don’t feel any looser or anything? It sounds like you’re working out really hard – so don’t get discouraged!
The worst a dr can say is you’re fine. and your mom will stop worrying. Congrats on the new release! I hear ya’ll on the it was sunday. I had to come back to work today and i’ve been in sucha daze I can’t even remember teh date :crazy: