It’s Friday, and I’ve had a great week. So I’m going to do a giveaway.
The prize? Winners choice of one of my ebooks.

How do you get your name entered into the draw?

It’s simple, just post in the comments what your Dream Weekend Getaway would be.

My Dream Weekend Getaway.
You know those erotic romance novels that focus on a Hotel or Retreat that specialize in Sexual Fantasies? I’d love to do one of those, and meet Mr.Right while I’m there.

Hey! I said Dream Weekend Getaway. It’s not like I think it’ll ever really happen.;)


  1. Debbie C.

    My Dream Weekend Getaway would be to go to Hawaii or some other island, and just relax. And maybe there would be half-naked men at my beck and call, hehe

  2. Dream Weekend Getaway … some island where it’s not as hot as hell like here, with enough food to eat, maybe a cute naked guy to serve it … Oh and a stack of books to read. GOOD books.

  3. Hmm… maybe a tropical island. Oops, no. I live in one. Okay, maybe at the beach, laying on a hammock under the palm trees, while Marcos, the sexy naked bartender brings me Sex on the Beach (the drink, people… SHEESH!). :rolleyes:

  4. My dream weekend would be something like out… a tropical vacation with only Mr. Wonderful, the boat breaks down or blown off course (Gilligan’s Island), ah, but we’d only be marooned for maybe a week. Can I have more than a weekend? Oh, and we’d have scenes like from that old movie the Blue Lagoon, running around naked and swimming and eating coconuts.

  5. A tropical vacation with only Mr. Wonderful, the boat breaks down or blown off course (Gilligan’s Island), ah, but we’d only be marooned for maybe a week. Can I have a week? Then we’d make like Blue Lagoon and run around naked and swimming and eating coconuts.

  6. Quinn

    Wow! Do I sense a Tropical theme here. You know, there’s something to be said about a nice snowy mountain. A nice big roaring fire and cuddling up to (yes) Mr Wonderful. Or I suppose it could be Miss. Wonderful.

  7. Sasha

    Silma~ It’s ok if you want more than the beach y’know. 😛

    Annalee~ A week…hmmm….ok. Since I liek that getaway, you cna have a week. 😉

    Quinn~ You know, I love the mountains, and I could have a Dream Weekend getaway inteh mountins, in a lone isolated cabin, with a lake or river nearby. But I don’t want the snow. 😛

  8. Dream weekend get-away would be a very private cruise with a captain who looks like Hugh Jackman and a 5-star chef catering to my culinary whims behind the scenes. The husband and I would leave the kids with grandma, eat, drink, laugh, nap, massage tanning lotion all over each other and spend scandalous amounts of time in our stateroom. :hehe:

  9. Dream weekend get-away would be a very private cruise with a captain who looks like Hugh Jackman and a 5-star chef catering to my culinary whims behind the scenes. The husband and I would leave the kids with grandma, eat, drink, laugh, nap, massage tanning lotion all over each other and spend scandalous amounts of time in our stateroom. :hehe:

  10. Okay, I’m going to sound really pathetic here, but mind you, it’s been a rough few weeks. Dream weekend getaway: In the mountains, where it’s cool (but still warm). No phones. No computers. Er, okay, maybe I should have my computer to maintain sanity. Lots of books. No children. No men. No people, in fact. Just me. My books. My computer. And maybe someone to bring me food once and a while. Oh, and a nice big bathtub….

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