I went back to work yesterday. Life should be getting back to normal now.
Or so they say. But what exactly is normal? I think normal is constantly changing for me and I’m glad of it. Why? Because normal is now writing stories that I know will be published. I’m so excited to get back to writing.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the time off while I was in Reno. I even brought my NEO with me when I went down there, because I was in Reno 2 days before the conference started and I figured I’d get a bit of work done, but nope. The whole time I was there, Neo never once showed his face. 🙂
I lay by the pool, ate fantastic guacamole and chatted with anyone and everyone. Including the Dean Cain look-a-like bartender.
Now, after working a lunch shift at the restaurant yesterday, and sitting at my kitchen table last night trying to line up this months eZine (Sorry, It will be late as I was too busy having a good time in Reno to work on it…but look for it this weekend or by the 15th anyway. 🙂 ) I’m psyched to get back to work on my stories.
It’s great to feel so motivated and eager again.
Now, if only I can feel that way about going back to the gym too. :rolleyes:
Actually, if I remind myself how great Sela looked at the Rita’s (see pictures below) I’m now motivated to go the gym!
Bye for now!
Dean Cain lookalike? The one I spent the conference drooling over was the Owen Wilson lookalike. rawrrr…
Guacamole by the pool? How’d I miss out on that gig?
I’m searching for normal too! 😀 I still can’t believe we didn’t meet in Reno, but then I stayed away from the pool and all things swimsuit related. 😉 I’m with you though…I’m so ready to get back to work!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures.
And great on feeling the motivation. LOL good luck with the gym motivation.
I never bother to bring work to a conference with me. I can never focus on writing at times like that, so I just focus on what I’m there for.
Normal? I wouldn’t know what normal was if it bit me in the ass and gave me rabies.
Good luck getting back to your normal! 😀