Bits’n Pieces.

Bits’n Pieces.

There’s stilll pictures of the conference floating around the net, and I have to say, I didn’t really grab Sela’s boobs! Honest!! It was just for the picture. πŸ˜›

I have an interview up at NovelSpot if you want to hear me talk about myself. If that’s not enough for you, tomorrow, Monday August 8th JJ Massa and I are having a shared Author Day at eBookLove. That means lot’s of hot excerpts and free books for particapants.

In actual writing news. I feel like giving up as a writer. It’s been two weeks and I’ve still not finished my current short story. I have no clue why I’m struggling so much, but it sucks.

Must. Finish. Today. :angry:


  1. Enjoyed your interview! You’ll get back on your writing roll soon, I’m sure of it. I always find it hard to get back in the routine after a break away. Your stories will be jumping up and down in front of you soon!

  2. With all that’s been happening for you lately, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, without knowing it?
    You’ll feel better soon, I’m sure.
    Just write your stories, Sasha, as always. πŸ™‚ :confused:

  3. Jaq

    I think Saskia and Raine both have points. You’ve had a lot great things happen in a very short period of time, and you know the clock is ticking, so there’s a bit of performance anxiety there. Plus you just came back from Nationals, so it’ll take a bit of time to get back in the groove. You’ll be okay. You’re multipublished and you know you have what it takes to finish a story. πŸ™‚

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