New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
More Work!

More Work!

More Writing Work! Yahooo!.

I was given the chance, and have eagerly agree to jump on it. The job? A single author collection of three novellas, all in one book. A book of three novellas all by me! Yay! :hehe:

So, I won’t be neeeding to do up a proposal or ideas until Dec or so, but I can’t help but thinking. I have pretty much free rein with this, and I’d like your help, as readers. What would you like to see, a collection of connected stories? Or three totally different ones?

These are erotica stories, of course. And I know what my own preferance is, but I’m wondering what readers prefer. So give an opinion please! 🙂

In other news, I’m starting my editing process of THE CRIB. Starting at Chapter 1 and filling in plot holes and correcting small things, fleshing out the characters. I’m hoping to get most of this done right away, and that it’ll help me figure out exactly how to do this final chapter. I know what I want to have happen, but I’m stalled on it. So this way, I’m hoping to get the flow of the whole story, and just sail into the ending. 😉

OH! And I saw a new show on TV last night. SUPERNATURAL….was very good! I’m hooked. Anybody else see it?


  1. I taped it and Bones. I’m going to watch Supernatural tonight. Glad to hear it’s good. I had my fingers crossed. I can’t wait for the premiere of Night Stalker on the 29th…and Threshold this Friday…and Invasion next week. 🙂

  2. LMAO @ Sasha / Os exhange…

    Sasha – a HUGE congrats on the new book!!! YAY!!

    As for your question, I like connected stories, even if they’re really loosely connected – take place in the same state, or focuse on 3 brothers or sister…to me it just gives it a richer feeling, especially when all the novellas are done by the same author. (did that make sense?)

  3. Debbie Ellison

    Woohoo! Sasha is hot Hot HOT!!! Great going! Wow! I am estatic for you! You deserve this for sure! This would be a good time to pull my name for the contest because I would love an autographed CD of your book! Yes!!!!!!! I excited – can you tell???

  4. Yeah sweetlips!!! Congrats on the deal…again! LOL I’m sitting here at night, alone in the dark, waiting for a call from Maui, so thought I’d blog you…

    Connected stories, is also my vote. Maybe connect with an object, or a house…hmmm, how about all set in different time periods??? That coudl be cool…no wait, don’t use that..I’m going to use that!

  5. Sasha, Congrats on the sale. Sorry I didn’t say that before. Doh!!! I just watched Supernatural. I LOVED it! You were right.

    Eve, They’re repeating Supernatural tomorrow night, so you can catch it then.

  6. Sasha

    Thanks everyone!!

    Jordan~ I taped Bones, will watch it on the weekend probably. I can’t wait to see David again. *sigh*

    Danicaa, Eve, Helen Kay ~ I was thinking connected stories to. But not connected people. I’ll blog abotu it more when I have the idea bit more firm in my mind. Thanks!!

    Steph~ Strangely, you always make sense to me! 😉

    Hey Debbie~ Chances are good! You’re onteh mailing list, so your already entered!

    Vivi~~ No worries, I wont; take your idea. I stick to contemporaries mostly, and I think have an idea..I may need your help since your such a plotting/proposal queen. 🙂

    Jordan~ I’m so glad you liked it!! No worries about the congrats, I’m excited abtouthe show too!

  7. Congrats on the new deal… verily, you are scorching right now! Might I buck the trend and suggest unconnected stories… which gives you a chance to run wild and free with a bunch of totally different ideas!

  8. Eve

    I too like connected stories.

    I forgot about Supernatural, but I did tape Bones and probably won’t get to it until next week. This week is … well, let’s just say that this is definitely not a good week.

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