I missed my last appointment on Sasha’s blog. :blush: Oops… But here I am again, ta-da!
Today’s topic is going to be underwear. No, I haven’t been peeping at anyone, although these days it’s hard not to see people’s underwear with their pants hanging past the crack of their ass. :crazy: Or the young (or not so young) women with low-low riders and thongs. Hello, ladies, you realize we can see your whale tail?
Cece had a fun blog post the other day about the Underwear Oracle. And that got me to thinking… what does our underwear say about us?
My observations…
White cotton briefs… you are uptight and unwilling to change. You like things the way they’ve always been.
Colored briefs or plain boxer briefs… you want to step off the edge to be wild, but not too far.
Colored boxers in crazy patterns (like Homer Simpson)… you’re not only off the edge, you’re swimming in a sea of decadence.
Thong… geez, I don’t even want to think about that :crazy:
Now for the women…
White cotton briefs… you are very uptight, Christian, and feel that erotica is porn plain and simple
Colored or patterned french cut or high cut… you are passionate, but controlled
Bikinis or string bikinis… you are ready for action, willing to try just about anything
Thong… look out world, I love something tight between my legs and I’m available
Okay, these are generalizations, but hey, it’s a blog. :rolleyes:
Confession time everyone… what kind of underwear do you wear?
Thongs out and cotton bikinis at home:)
I love ya girl, you know I do. But you have WAY too much time on your hands. :hehe:
Underwear? Who says I wear any????
I confess…It all depends on my mood. I’ve worn them all. Or Not.
Hmmm Underwear..what’s that…OOOOoh yeah.,, That strip of silk you wear under a dress to tease the guy you are with… check..
Lisa, come on…we all know you don’t wear any…you might as well fess up.

And Sasha! Well, don’t even get me started…it’s floss for that girl!!
Beth, I love your mind! Underwear and all!!
Vivi Anna!! It’s not always floss! :blush:
I don’t know if you’ve seen the new TGI Friday’s commercial, but basically the waiter quizes the guy on what kind of underwear he wares, and that depends whether he’ll want the spicy or mild dinner.
Oh honey, there are 7 days in the week, and I’m an adventurous girl…
Next think you’ll know, it’ll be a post about bras… :O
PS – I think it’s our mission to educate anyone who thinks erotica is porn!
we don’t need no stinking underwear!
Actually, boxer briefs, black, or green. and if I am feeling overly naughty, silk boxers ~LOL~
Oooh, I did forget bikini briefs for men… Yowza… I’d say they’re the kind that want women to notice their package.
JJ – My brain has a mind of its own. *shrug*
Vivi – LOL! I remembered on the way to the library that I forgot to mention if you don’t wear any underwear…
Adventurous vixen :hehe:
LOL the first thing i noticed was you forgot to list comando (none).
High cuts for me. I don’t like going underwearless. :blush:
Sasha – LOL – floss? Um, I know you’re the adventurous type so okay, I’m cool with that.
Vivi – thanks sweetie. I like my mind too.
Emma – I think the TGI Fridays commercial was what prompted this blog. :laugh:
Laura – Bras? Hmmm… that’s another favorite topic of mine… I’ve got to wear one – can’t go commander – 34DD. I’d hurt myself – black eye or broken nose maybe.