My Cat has gone nuts. She thinks the presents that are all wrapped and spread out on the floor is an obstacle course put out especially for her. SO she’s running it a Mach 5!
Until she slid across the dresser and hit the wall. 😛
She’s ok. She just sat stunned for a minute or twothen took off again. :crazy:
You mean they AREN’T for her??! :O
LOL—I know what you mean. I remember the days before cats…I used to be able to put a TREE up!! 🙁
I thought about a tree. Just so I could watch her jump on it and have it fall on her…but I decided I didn’t want to clean up the mess. LOL
She certainly can be entertaining. :hehe:
My sister used to live in another state (oh, those were the days) and one year she sent us a big box of presents. The empty box sat in the den and just drove my cat crazy (I only had 1 in those days). You see, she had dogs – the box was full of dog smells. Shelby (the cat) would dive into the box and then pop his head up to look around for those "dogs". Quite funny. I used to buy the cats presents at Christmas!
My Mom put out a present for Mystery. LOL
I gave her a fresh roll of toilet paper to shred. 😛