New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author


PureSex_cover Winners for the first round of coverflaps to go out are Eve, Terra, and Lauren!!
You ladies need to email me with your snail mail address, ( and I’ll get them out next week. And everyone else. PLease I”ll be giving more out so stay tuned in the next while. 🙂
OK, It’s New Years Eve 2005. and I’ve not really given any thought to resolutions. Have you? I’m probably not going to either. Cus really, I make resolutions every week. They’re called goals! 😀

I am very happy with how the last year has turned out though. I managed to cross a couple of things off my Life’s “to do” list!! I thinkI might have to consider that list, and add another task or two. OK, maybe not add a task, but pick one or two and focus on them this year.

I’m not ready to tackle a musical instrument, but I think I might get back into photgraphy. One of my life goals was to sell a photo, so I can feel professional. Maybe I’ll auction it off on here? LOL

What bout you all? Any big Life Goals you haven’t reached yet, but you think you might be able to accomplish this year?

Oh, and my other goal….to remember to feed my cat EVERY morning instead of waiting until she’s driving me nuts to remember I haven’t fed her that day. :crazy:


  1. My resolution is to STOP ADDING ANIMALS TO MY HOME. Sorry for the shout but I have to say it loud enough so that I and the rest of my family hear it. Also to finish my second manuscript and have it published. It’s addicting you know…to see your name on a cover. Happy New Year Sasha and everyone else. I hope all your dreams come true this year. :hehe:

  2. It’s wonderful to win when I had no idea there was even a contest! Thanks, doll!

    My big goal/resolution that has nothing to do with writing is to work on being more patient. I’m so bad and I want to be better, goddess knows if I’ll actually do it but that’s my big one.

  3. Eve

    Thanks Sasha!
    Happy New Year everyone!

    My goal is to get back to writing. After a near 5 year break I’m just going to concentrate on getting my rhythm back – then start on the book!

  4. Happy New Year,y’all! It’s already Jan 1st here in Oz, big party’s over and now we’re onto the clean up. Yuk :crazy:

    Resolutions? Tackle the TBR pile. Oh, and sell again. And again, and again. 😛

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