Re-releasing books.

Re-releasing books.

At The Good, The bad, and The Unread Sybil talks about the latest trend of books being re-released, in ebook or print format, and wonders what others think. The conversation got me thinking about The Devil Inside.

You see, all my other print books have been written strictly for print, I haven’t recycled my ebooks. However, I am doing so with The Devil Inside. Kensington just purchased my novella TDI, and it’s unwritten sequel, to be released and sold as one Book.

I’m extremely excited about it because TDI is a very character based story about the relationship between Gina and her man, and how he doesn’t believe in psychic’s and she refuses to be with man who believes in all of her. Her brother, Angelo, shows up towards the end of TDI, and when I was writing it, and he showed up..I fell in love!

The sequel is his story. The sequel (unnamed and unwritten right now) will be full of a lot more paranormal aspects and will also keep Gina and a couple of the other characters in it too. If all goes well, there might be more to follow it.

While each story will be different, I firmly believe they will blend well, and that it’s going to be a Fantastic Anthology.

So, for those of you who have read The Devil Inside would you but a print book that contains it, as well as a sequel? For those of you who haven;t read it…does the knowledge that there will be a print book with a sequel in 2007 make you want to go buy the ebook now…to see what you think? The ebook is only going to be available for another 10 days…then it’s gone.

So I’m wondering, does it matter tht there is an ebook out? Does it make you more intersted, or less?


  1. Frauke

    First of all Congrats, Sasha! I knew Kensington couldn’t say ‘no’ to TDI.

    As for your question, I only buy it in print if it’s to a certain part re-written and expanded. Just ‘re-edited’ doesn’t do it for me.
    So, yes, I would buy TDI in print, because the print version has the sequel, a new story, I don’t know yet.
    On the other hand, when it’s a part of a series that I ‘collect’, I’m so crazy that I buy it in print, too – whether it contains new scenes or not.

  2. Jaq

    Here’s another congrats on the contract! (I assume it’s a new development?) You’re rockin and rolling, babes!

    As for buying “again” a re-release? ….. nope. I know I sux. 😛 But not even if it’s expanded/rewritten. Not even if it’s by a beloved I-froth-at-the-mouth-at-the-mere-mention-of-her-name auto-buy author. *g* But if it’s one story in a antho of several never-read-before-novellas, or *gulp* for a really good price at a UBS I would. 😛

    Like I said, I sux.

    But there are a bunch of readers like Fauk out there who will buy it, for all the reasons she listed, or because they like the new cover better, or they always wanted to print book and only bought the ebook cause it was the only one available. Put it this way, publishers wouldn’t be in the business of re-releases if it weren’t profitable. I suspect I’m in the minority here. 😀

  3. YA, Thanks Frauke. I know I have one sale . 🙂

    Jaq~ I tend to think the same as you. I know people don’t have alot of money to spend on books. But I do hope that others will be interested in TDI and sequel, as well as those who have read the ebook. The reason I clearly state in my newsletter and anywhere I cna that GYPSY HEART is a re-release. I want peoepl who haven;t read it to take a look, but I don’t want people who have already done so to pick it up thinking it’s different. 😉

  4. What happens if people get confused and buy *my* THE DEVIL INSIDE instead? 😉

    It was originally published in the mid 90’s but it’s republished with a red hot new cover this July…


    Wendy aka Portia Da Costa

  5. Well Wendy, they might also get it confused with another one. I saw a promo the other day for an eBook titled THE DEVIL INSIDE by a new author I’d never heard of.:huh:

    All I can say is, I’m pretty confidednt that the covers form Yours, and mine will be very differnt, and mine is paranormal..and won’t be hitting shelves for at least a year. (And really, I’d be honored to be confused with you! )

  6. Lia

    I’d probably say no to an e-book I had purchased that was subsequently print published unless (A) it was one I really, really liked and would enjoy having a print copy; (B) it was significantly expanded; or (C) was being published with another book, as is the case with The Devil Inside. I really enjoyed that story and will certainly buy the new version with the additional story.


  7. Yes, I’ve heard of yet another THE DEVIL INSIDE too… I believe it’s lesbian erotica. Not sure what length…

    I don’t suppose folk will mix up our books… I was described as ‘the inimitable Portia Da Costa’ the other day… not quite sure what it means, but it sure sounds good, dunnit? 😀

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