A Taste of Laura Bacchi’s “Sanchez Shake-Down”

A Taste of Laura Bacchi’s “Sanchez Shake-Down”

He came back to me and undid my blouse, and then the front clasp of my bra. Strong hands cupped my breasts and I pressed my ass back into his erection.

Then I heard him pick up the belt. My head snapped back to search his face. He kissed my shoulder and waited. So I took a deep breath, smiled and tilted my ass up to get ready for the sting of leather on my skin.

He laughed. “I take it you’ve done this before.”

I managed a nod.

The strip of black finally touched me, but not in the way I expected. It snaked around my hips and dropped down to capture my thighs. Cold metal went deep into my leg as he buckled it tight, then he helped me get closer to the wall, stopping only when my nipples brushed its clammy surface. He stroked the sides of my tits and watched while his movements dragged the tight dark tips over the dimples of the painted cinderblocks. Then his hands went south and caressed my ass.

The first slap was loud. It echoed through the library and broke the silence I fought to maintain on a daily basis. The next was muffled but solid, making me tingle and buzz with pleasure. The smacks came slowly, like he wanted to make sure I was okay. To know when he’d crossed the line between pleasing and hurting. Hot flickers of sweet pain grew into a flame. My pussy trembled with each new sting and wept with joy down the curves of my inner thighs.

Laura Bacchi has talent. There is no other way to put it. She can write sweet, she can write raw, and she can certainly do edgy! I’m so pleased she accepted my invitation ot be part of the Secret Thoughts: Erotique Collection.

Now, from Laura Bacchi to you: How Prison Helped My Writing

When I hit my mid-thirties, something happened with my hormones. Just one whiff of a guy, any guy, made me weak in the knees. Made me sweat and think horrible, terrible, naughty things and kept me on the edge of instant arousal. It was around this time that I landed a job in an all-male prison.

One horny woman in the midst of hundreds of heavily tattooed sex-deprived men who worked out several hours a day could’ve made for a lethal combination, but it all worked out just fine. I took the prison’s dump of a library and turned it into a haven for the guys, an escape from their dreary, lonely existence. I tossed the mildewed Reader’s Digest Condensed Books from 1976 and gave them New York Times bestsellers, cutting edge fiction, and up-to-date reference books. They in turn gave me respect and, unbeknownst to them, enough fantasy fodder to last for years to come.

But most importantly they taught me things that helped my writing, like keep the dialogue tight. Words mean a lot in prison. They can get you hurt or earn an inmate’s undying gratitude. Whether you’re staff or on the other side of the bars, you have to mean what you say, get to the point, and remember that a little humor goes a long way. You’d better have your words right in a place like this — know when to be funny and when to mean business. While working here, the dialogue in my stories acquired more zing. It got snappier. It got more real. I have the guys in blue to thank for that.

And being around these men taught me that every experience can give you a story. Or lots of stories. You just have to open yourself up to what’s happening around you. Take it all in. From witnessing fights on the yard to relishing in rumors of illicit love between staff and inmates, I ended up with plenty of material to work with. But when I look back on my other jobs, stories were there as well. It took an extreme environment like prison to make me see the richness in life, be it everyday stuff or something extraordinary.

One of my tales in Secret Thoughts: Erotique takes place in a prison. No, none of the things in the story ever happened, but, oh, if they had… When you train for a prison job, they warn you about the inmates, but not the guards. I just love a man in a uniform, and I hope you like Officer Rob Mendoza in “Sanchez Shake-Down.” After reading it, you’ll know some of my most secret thoughts 😉

Visit her Blog to learn more.


  1. Thanks to you both! And yes, oh the things I learned!! :mrgreen:

    And thank you, Sasha, for your kind words about my writing. I’m honored that you invited me to be a part of this compilation among all the other talented authors. I am truly in your debt.

  2. Debbie E

    I’m anxious to read your story Laura! I have read Topping Tora and realise that I’m a wimp and found there was some rough treatment in there that I wasn’t use to reading. I have also seen the reviews you have received for that story and now I know I’m soft because you have indeed received great reviews. It takes all kinds, right?

    Personally I can’t imagine working with men in prison – I tend to have this fear in me of what they might be capable of doing. Thank goodness there are people that can do it though.

    Congrats on your upcoming release.

  3. Thanks, Debbie! Yes, Topping Tora is a very different kind of story–even for me. I’ve gotten lots of mixed reactions to it, for various reasons. The good news is that not all my stories are this edgy (I think that’s the word I’m looking for), and I’m glad you’re not turned off from reading my stories in Secret Thoughts. 🙂

    Like Sasha mentioned in this post, my writing really varies from story to story. I just hope I’m not aggravating readers as I explore different tones, sub-genres and subject matter. Lots of readers like to know what to expect when they buy an author. I guess I’m a bit of a wild card.

    About working in a prison, it really takes a certain temperment to do it. But since many people don’t want to work there, the pay can be quite good. :mrgreen:

    (Sorry for the long post!)

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