The Art of Love

The Art of Love

Nix Winter is talented in so many ways, one of which is her writing. THE ART OF LOVE is her contribution to the SECRET THOUGHTS:Erotique collection, and here’s a glimpse of her talent.

The Art of Love is a very short short, and not a true fictional story…but it’s such a beautiful piece I had to include it in the collection.

Imagine doubt falling away like silky black ribbons…so that you are open to sexual pleasure and touch.
If your lover is with you, feel their fingers caress where your fingers have just been.
Glide down from your throat to your breasts. So sensitive, full and round, small and pert, very flat, very full, this beautiful part of your body is not beautiful because so many others have been photographed for car ads. You are beautiful here because it is as close to touching your heart that you will want to come. Your heart beats with life, with the power to heal and grow, and as you caress your breasts, encourage that life, welcome it… Do your nipples grow hard? Do they long for the sweet warmth of a lover’s tongue, slowly circling, pulling in? Suckling?


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