Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

When I was growing up we had dogs. Big Dogs. You see, when my Mom was young, she used to rodeo (Barell Racer) and after she married my Dad, and they started moving around alot for his job, she switched her passion to dogs. (easier to move with). We mostly had shepards, and rottwielers. And all our dogs were very well trained, show and compitition dogs.

There were times when my mom would drag me and my brother out of bed before the sun rose, and take us out to the back field (we lieved in Saskatchewan at this time) and tell us to go hide. I’d go climb a tree and go back to sleep. Why did she do this? Because she was training the dogs to track. Some dogs were trained in obedience, some in protection, and one dog was just a show dog.

One day when I was about 10 years old, I was sitting on the floor with my arm around Shiva (our Rottwieler that was the gentlest dog I’ve ever met. She was the show dog, not trained in anythign more basic obedience, but ver pretty.) I was watching tv and there was a knock at the door. The other dogs were out in the backyard, as they weren’t allowed in the house as often as the gentle Shiva. I didn’t hear the conversation at the door, but Shiva must’ve sensed something because she stood up and got all stiff legged. The hair onthe back of her neck stood up and this low rumble started in her chest.

I was shocked. Shiva had never growled at anyone or anything. Just as I was getting up to see what was going on my mom went to close the front door and the guy there blocked it, and shoved the door open. He got one foot in the house and Shiva attacked.

This was not one of our protection trained dogs, but she went after the intruder and knocked him on his ass. When my Mom called her, the dog just stood over the guy and snarled. Needless to say, he stood up and ran, and we hugged and praised our pretty little dog. (And she was small- for a rottweiler)

My point? It was the untrained dog’s first instinct to protect those she loved. Sure, the trained dogs would’ve done it too, but the untrained dog did it out of love. I am a firm believer that while all dogs need obedience training, if you want a dog for protection, all you need to do it love it. That dog will love you back unconditionally. It will kill for you , and it will die for you.

It makes my skin crawl when I hear about animals being mistreated, and I find my heart always going out to the ones who need rescuing. If I was anywhere near Utah, I’d be quick to adopt Jack. But I’m not. SO if there is anyone out there, or near there, who has a yard in need of a loving dog to accupy it, please, contact Jo Leigh about Jack, the dog.


  1. JANET

    hi sasha i just read your concern over the little one jck,and i have cousins in utah that do need a dog for there familys. i wrote them n told them about it sent the link u have on here n they will look into it.i have a dog also grew up with dogs in my also. i know about dogs protecting owners. i had alittle dog when i was 16 that protected my mom from a mugger that attacker her. that little dog weight no more then 15lbs. n he jumped on that man boy did he run my mom told us. now i have a little lhasa apso n boy am i glad i have her, she barks at anyone even the broom. but like i said i let my cuosins know about jack so i hope there is a good ending for him. πŸ™‚

  2. I saw this posted by Jill Shalvis too. I hate it at anyone would hurt a defenseless animal or leave one stranded. How cruel.

    Janet, I hope everything works out with Jack and your family – that’s great news πŸ™‚

  3. Sasha and Janet – thanks so, so much for caring about Jack! It looks as if we’ve found a wonderful family for Jack. We’ll know for sure on Sunday when he meets his new potential mates. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that everyone came through like champions. And Janet, I’m sure the perfect dog is waiting to become part of your cousin’s family.

    Bless you guys!

  4. JANET

    awwwww to bad for my cuosins but thats wonderfull news for jack. im uber happy he found someone. no dog needs to be put down just because he has no family. we dont do it to our human loved ones so why do it to a helpless dog.

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