First off, for the month of June, starting today, I’m going to be doing a giveaway here on the blog every Friday. So be sure to drop by and check things out, you might win something!!
Second, I heard the nasty rumor that Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was cancelled, and I’m heartbroken. Seriously people, it’s a great show. I love the characters, the actors and the humor that somehow still manages to be a drama. If you haven’t seen this show..give it a try. (You can watch past episodes on the internet…just follow the link above) If you HAVE seen it, watch it again. Yes, I’m trolling for people to watch and support it because I am still holding out hope that it won’t get cancelled! So, please support it, even if it’s just as a favor to me.
Trouble releases in two months (and is available for pre-order right now) so I want to talk about it for a minute. Samair, the heroine, is very briefly in Watch Me, My story in Kink, as a salesgirl in the womens clothing botique. Trouble starts off with her having just decided to change her life. Samair decides she’s tired of trying to be someone she feels she isn’t, and doing a job that doesn’t satisfy her passion. So she decides to go after her dream, and start up her own design lable. And she’s designing lingerie, among other things.:wink:
So..for my Friday Giveaway this week, tell me in the comments what your dream job is, and if you’re doing it. If you’re not doing it, would you drop everything and go for it if you were given the change?
I’ll draw a winner from the comments tomorrow. The Prize? A $25 Gift Certificate for
My dream job is to own a bookstore. I would be in heaven to be surrounded by books every day and to talk about books with customers. Sadly, I am not following this dream. If I lived in a more populated area where a bookstore would be successful, I would drop everything and go for it.
Well right now i am a stay at home and while it might not be most people’s idea of a dream job i enjoy it. I have two little ones under the age of 4 and they can be alot of work but they are so worth it because they are precious to me. I wouldn’t trade being their mommy for the world.
My dream job? Let’s see….I’d love to work for a travel company…like writing reviews of different places and hotels and such…I don’t get to travel much..hardly at all…and I would just love to be able to go all over the world and see some fantastic places…My dream spot is the Galapagos Islands…I’m definitely not doing this now..but I would drop everything for the chace to do it!!!
My dream job would be a photographer who travelled the world. I don’t think that I would actually do that at this point in my life, even if I had the talent, since I don’t think I would want to be away from my family.
My dream job would have to be living in Glencoe, Scotland and writing full time. Not economically feasible for me at the moment but I’m working toward that end.
I’m not living my dream job which would be to be a librarian; I’ve wanted to be one from very young on. Somewhere along the line I lost the vision with life getting in the way.
If dh could come along or I didn’t have to move I would go for it. Perhaps I can get the job at our local library some day.
I don’t even know what my dream job is. Research librarian, maybe? Farmer? Mathematician? Pastry chef? I wish I knew, because then I could pursue it.
I’m still in university, though, so I’ve got some time to decide.
My dream job would be to have Samantha Brown’s job on the travel channel. lol. She gets to visit lots of places, stay in awesome hotels, and she gets paid to do it. I want her job! :jump:
My dream job would be doing something on the computer. This would be great since I could work in my pajamas all day!
I would love to publish books…the type that I like to read.
I would love to be an engineer on projects restoring the environment and protecting the environment. In fact, I am hoping to go back to school to get my engineering degree.
Mine would have to be anything that dealt with books.
First choice would be a bookstore owner – although I’d soon have to declare bankruptcy for I’d spend all my time reading and refusing to sell since I can rarely part with my books. :crying:
Second choice would have to be a librarian. I’m bankrupt remember, so I have to work and 2 b surrounded by books this is the ideal place. Although I’d get fired soon, as I’ll call the cops on anyone who fails to return a book or defaces it.
Hmmm.. let’s see. What’s left? A literary agent – I’d be my client’s only reader as I’d never get around to selling their books, only reading them.
See where this is going?
An editor, maybe? Nope, again I’d get fired for defending my authors against Big Bad Publisher! :fight:
What’s left??!! :confused:
Ah, I know!!! I’ll marry a gaziillonaire, buy up a musty old castle and fill it up, tower to dungeon with books. Yay! :great:
My dream job is to be a writer. I am doing that, not making much, but trying!
My dream job would be to be one of the people who rate luxury hotels. They check in and use all of the services and eat in the hotel restaurants and then basically make out a report card/review report on said hotel. This is not a job that I currently hold. Alas…
Right now, I am a stay at home mom, but I have a couple jobs, that would be my dream job. One would be to work fo rthe police station as a CSI, but where I live they don’t really have a need for that, but i dream about doing it. Solving crimes and helping people out. My other would be to own a bookstore or write, I cannot get enough books and to be surrounded by them would be a dream, to write would be better, I used to write stories but after having kids, have not had much of a chance.
My dream job is to be a cosmetologist. And I have 2 more months to go before I graduate and then I’ll be a cosmetologist. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dream job would be singing on stage in a musical.I always get that fuzzy feeling when I watch musicals and think “why isn’t that me” I’m a stay at home mom right now but I plan on trying out for a musical within the new few years.
As a newly liscensed Esthetician–my dream job would be to own and work in a Day spa in the French Quarter of New Orleans..and yes I would drop everything and move if I could have that job….
:angel: My dream job would be a writer. I love to write and I have a lot of notebooks and journals filled with my random thoughts and stories!
Thanks for the contest!
i would love to be spy like jennifer garner
Sasha, I think my dream job would be to represent you as the great author you are. Wouldn’t it be fun to travel around the country and then the world and just sell your books and talk to mostly women about how their lives can be so exciting by reading Erotic Romance by Sasha White? Of course the men will want to read it as well to learn what women want. Now that gets my imagination going and my heart pumps a little faster. When you feel passionate about something – it really isn’t work no matter how many hours you put it. Then of course your setting all kinds of sales records and everybody wants you on their talk show – you know Oprah, Dr Phil (helping women across the world), The View, Ellen, The Tonight show, The Late Show, every show……LOL!!!
That is my dream job for sure. What do you think?
Can you feel the passion? :inlove: