Friday Night

Friday Night

So I was working the bar, chatting with regulars about nothing special when all of a sudden it hit me. There were four very hot guys at one of the tables – a table I’d been serveing for a couple of hours already, and they hadn’t caught my interest.

That probably sounds bad, and in a way it is. Normally I notice hot guys even if I’m not particularly attracted to them. It’s a talent. But for whatever reason, I didn’t even really notice those ones. So I mentioned this to my co-worker, who was sitting at the bar after her shift and having a beer. She looked at me and shook her head sadly. “What is wrong with you?”

My other co-worker just laughed and said. “Maybe she’s growing up.” then walked away.

So… I thought about it, and I realized I’ve not really looked at a man with interest in a while. In fact, I can’t remember the last time. (Okay, there was the cop in Atlanta that I asked to frisk me, but that’s not what I’m talking about.) I’m talking about the actual urge to meet someone, or the attraction of a stranger. I havent; felt that in a long time. I’m not sure if it’s me finally growing up (hmph!) or is it contentment with my life (and even lack of romantic life), or is it just that I’ve given up?

Myself, I’m still trying to decide. But opinions are welcome..what do you think?


  1. :confused:Do you feel sick? are you feeling ill? Take 2 advil and call me tomorrow. he he he! No, your not growing up, your just preoccupied, too busy, working, HELLO. I think you have to be in a certain mood to notice hotties…Trust me, you’ll be back to normal soon. Aren’t you after all a late 20’s early 30’s woman? with raging hormones?

  2. I go through phases like this as well. Where I am simply to busy or to emotionally/mentally tired to notice hot men or women. lol

    I would hope growing up doesn’t mean loosing interest in hotties! That would be sad… and I know my mom still scopes out the handsome men so…

    Hugs. They will hold appeal again.


  3. BW_ Mentally tired for sure. πŸ™‚

    Renee, tack on another 10 years. I’m 37 :D. Although I have to say my attitude rarely matches my age. LOL

    Awww gtood vote Danette!

    Lacy _ I agree. It’s too much fun to just notice and flirt. I hope it’s a phase! πŸ˜†

  4. Sasha,
    Don’t give up, you’ll get the desire back.
    I’m going through a serious funk lately, and I sometimes don’t notice cute guys, but then sometimes I do. Maybe you’re just goin through one of those times?

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