New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Meme from Jordan

Meme from Jordan

Four jobs Ive had or currently have in my life:

1. Writer
2. Waitress
3. Bartender
4. Private Security Specialist.

Four countries Ive been to:

1. Nepal
2. Africa
3. Greece
4. Ireland

Four places Id rather be right now:

1. Greece
2. Jamaica
3. Hawaii
4. Jasper, Alberta

Four foods I like to eat:

1. Sushi
2. Pasta
3. Chili
4. Popcorn

Four personal heroes, past or present:

1. My Mom
2. Dani (friend)
3. Beth (friend)
4. JJ (friend)

Four books youve read or are currently reading:

1. Gone by Lisa Gardner
2. The Hard Way by Lee Child
3. Devils On Horseback:Nate By Beth Williamson
4. Changeling by Yasmine Galenorn

Four words or phrases you would like to see used more often:

1. Yes, Sasha.
2. Please
3.Thank You
4. Your Welcome

Four reasons for ending a friendship:

1. S/he lies to me
2. S/he uses me
3. S/he hates me
4. S/he doesn’t know how to be a friend

Four smells that make you feel good about the world:

1. Fresh baked bread
2. Cookies in the oven
3. Mountain air
4. BBQ

My question: Four favorite activities you did as a kid:

1. Lacrosse
2. Sledding (winter)
3. Gymnastics
4. Fishing

I’m going to tag Emma Peterson, Laura Bacchi, and Lauren Dane


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