Nothing New

Nothing New

Hey everyone, Just wanted to stop in and say I know I’ve been sort of MIA lately. I’m working hard on a couple of things, as well as getting ready for Christmas. Yep. I want to get everything done in November so I can avoid all the December craziness at the stores and such. Plus, I’ve let my diet slip so bad that I’m sort of gearing up to get down to it again. LOL

I wish I had some news or something interesting to share, but I really don’t. Maybe soon, I’ll share some adventures.

My Birthday is coming up soon…
SEXY DEVIL is shipping from Barnes and Noble now! That’s cool. It’s a couple of weeks early, but there you go. And in December I’ll start writing the sequel. Right now it’s just sort of floating around in the back of my mind… among many things. πŸ˜‰


  1. Aw, don’t beat yourself up on the diet, you’ll get back on track soon. I’ve gone so far past slippage on mine that it’s not funny.

    I know that SEXY DEVIL is going to fly off the shelves! I’ve been chatting it up to everyone; your readers are going to love it!

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday – do something fun, just for you!

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