

Kay People, Delilah is behind schedule, so her guest post will go up as soon as I get it, maybe tomorrow? Not sure, but when I get it, I’ll put it up.

So for today, I’m going to talk to you about something else – Fantasies, and the opportunity to live them out.

Have you ever wondered if you’d “go for it” if given the chance to live out a fantasy?

I’ve often wondered it for myself, then usually said “Yes!”. LOL My opportunites have always managed to come as a chance of luck type thing, which is why I generally go with it. Sort of a “it was meant to happen” type of train of thought.

A while ago some readers on WICEKED WRITERS loop started talking about why they enjoy reading BDSM, and if they would truly be interested in experiencing it. The conversation led to different levels of BDSM and Kink, as well as the relationships and more. Then a day or two after that, I received an email from a guy who had visited my website, and invited me to see thiers. It was very intriguing. (and sort of no such thing as coincedence ??)

Into The Attic is an amature BDSM site. Women (And I think men, get to go there, an explore their submissive fantasies. The catch? It’s videotaped.

Now, one thing I did notice in my research into BDSM previously is that the majority of submissives usually also enjoy some exhibitionism. So this might not be a bad thig for some. It was certainly a good thing for my research as I learned a lot by watching , and talking to them. (You can read more about my research at THE DUNGEON )

Into The Attic is a member site, where you watch real live submissive sessions. These are not actors, but real people. I’ve watched less than half a dozen of the film sequences with various Guests of the Attic (Each session seems to have 5 or 6 sequences,) and I’m still not sure how I feel about them.

Were they tasteful? I think they are. You can choose what part of each session you want to watch, and each session is also descrbed above so you know what you are getting into.

Each session also starts and ends with the Guest speaking clearly about what they are there for. (I’m sure that’s sort of a legal thing too) lol

Were the videos arousing to me? More to my imaginaition than my body. I think I’d enjoy it a lot more if I was writing a BDSM themed story right now – As they are nothing if not creative. I also might enjoy it more if there was a chance of myself and a partner emulating some of it…but I’m partnerless right now, so I took a more analytical view of things. LOL

Do I recommend it? Yes! I think if you have an interest in being submissive, or exploring that aspect of yourself, you should definitely check out INTO THE ATTIC. It’s very interesting.

Into the Attic


  1. Ali

    Sasha, I love your post today *bg* Thanks for sharing the link.
    It’s funny, because not to far back, I got a chance to live out a fantasy and I said ‘Yes’ lol… so glad I did, too *bg*

  2. Thanks, Sasha! I’m bookmarking Into the Attic for later… When I’m not at work, of course. :mrgreen:

    I have to say, reading romances in the BDSM genre has made me more than curious. I don’t think I could be a lifestyler, and I am not into some of the more extreme acts, although I enjoy reading them.

    Like you I am parternless currently, but I think reading stories like yours and other authors who write BDSM romance have made me very open to a bit of experimentation in this area. With the right man, of course.

  3. YAY Ali! Living out a fantasy is awesome. I love to hear that people are getting chances to do that.

    Jennifer, I agree. ANd part of me finds the thought of going into something like The Attic, with a guy you don’t know, and it’s strictly for the exploration aspect appealing. But another part of me thinks..No way. LOL

    I really think it would depend on a few things. Mood, urges, and the “vibe” when you get there.

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