My Plan

My Plan

it’s nothing too drastic. Basically these are my steps for the next ten days. Things I will not waiver on.
1) Eat a healthy breakfast every day.
That means more than just a banana, or a glass of juice. This means cottage cheese or egg (or egg whites) at every breakfast, as well as fruit or vegetable.

2) Eat protien at every meal.
Main sources of protein for me are eggs, egg whites, tuna, cottage cheese and chicken.

3) Eat something every three- four hours fro 12 hours of the day. (3 meals, 2 snacks)
This means if I eat breakfast at 11 AM, (Remember I work nights, I sleep late.) my last meal has to be no later than 11 PM. (Which is reasonable for me since I usualy got to bed around 3 AM.)

No diet Dr.Pepper. No Coke. No Red Bull. *pout*
Coffe or tea is allwed, btu I don;t drink coffee. I occasionally like green tea, so I think I might be drinking mroe of that in the next ten days, as just water can get boring.

5) Keep a Food Journal.
This is something that I find really helps me stay on track. I have created a meal plan for myself with foods I like, and will eat.(Tuna, porkchops, chicken, peanut butter, the fruit and veggies I like) I’ve done my grocery shopping and gotten rid of the things I have no will power against. (Chocolate, soda, chips and pizza)

In my food journal, the first page is my plan. I have created 15 meals I can mix and match, that use a lot of the same ingrediants. Using a minimum of ingredients is important to me because I am single, and I cook only for me, so this means I don’t buy a lot of food at one time because it goes bad unless I eat it within a few days. So when I have a dozen eggs, I find multiple ways to incorparate them into meals. Same with a case of chicken breasts. Make sense?

6) Physical Activity Every Day.
This means more than cleaning my house, or waiting on customers for 8 hours. This means walk, jog, strength training, work out for a minimun of 20 minutes every day.

My plan is just to remind myself that this is for 10 Days only. Then I’ll ease back a little, and let myself eat some differnt things, and have a day or two off from workingout a week. But I will Always, for the rest of my life, have to work out at least 3-4 days a week. This is something I can not let go, not if I want to get, and stay, healthy.

This is MY plan, created from years of being an athlete, then being a couch potato. I know what I like and what I don’t like. I know what I need to do, I always have. I just haven’t always done it. Now I plan to do it.


  1. Michelle B.

    :batman:Hello Sasha, good luck with your program. I’m on a very similar one myself…had gastric-bypass surgery in August and have lost 50 lbs for a total of 100 lbs in the past 12 months. I’m struggling to reach more protein & caloric requirements each day (also I’m a vegetarian). I work out at a gymn 4 or 5 days a week for 45 minutes after work and do yoga 2 days a week at work during lunch. I have started pulling old clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in several years out since everything is starting to fall off of me. I determined to do this last October while in for surgery that was unsuccessful because of my size & scar tissue they couldn’t reach the affected are (female…ovary) and I didn’t react while to being under anethsetic for so long…and found out I was diabetic. I was tired of the compounding health issues & started the process of applying for the surgery. I am now at 500mg of diabetes meds (down from 2000mg) and most likely will be completely off of it soon as I currently have trouble keeping my sugar levels up…get hypoglycemic & have to eat every few hours to go with my new metabolism & small stomach. Good Luck in your quest in become a new & fitter “Mini-you!! :champion:

  2. Sounds like a doable plan, Sash. I’ve heard that the food diary is a biggie and really helps. I know the few times I was calorie counting and keeping tabs on what I ate taht way made me really aware of what i was putting in my mouth. For starters, I upped my water intake, it’s unbelievable how many calories per day you drink through soda, milk in your tea, juice, etc.

  3. Michelle, congratulations on the loss. It sounds like your working hard, and thats a good thing. It helps us instill the pride we need to feel good about ourselves. I agree about the compounding health issues. I hate it when I feel as if my body is falling apart.

    Hey, Vanessa. I don’t actually count calories, but I have a pretty good handle on what I should be eating and not eating, and knowing I have to write it down if it’s something bad…well, it makes me think twice. LOL

    Mostly when I drink soda it’s diet anyway, so no real caolries, btu I do knwo it makes me crave other sweet and salty stuff, and the carbonation isn;t great fro me. Man, I miss it and it’s only been one day. *pout*

  4. Karin

    Sasha, that sounds like a great plan. I’ve thought about doing something like that but I’ve never followed through. I do some stuff that is not quite as intensive, though, and that helps me feel like I’m doing something to say in shape.

  5. I think your plan sounds excellent, Sasha, and I’m printing it off for my girlfriend so we can both follow them. We’re workout buddies and go to the gym three times a week and walk a couple of miles on in between days. We can attest to the fact that the older you get, the harder it is to lose the weight. I think my metabolism is already in the negative numbers!

    Michelle! I’m so excited for you! Looking forward to seeing you next June in Cincinnati! Big hugs to you and congrats on your success!

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