Slim Camp

Slim Camp

It’s been 5 days since I’ve started my 10 Day Intense Start Up program, and I’ve lost 8 POUNDS!!

And I’ve not even been following as much as I should be.

Let me explain. One of the steps in my plan was to exercise every day. However, I overextended my elbow last week, and then after bartending on Friday night, I could barely use my arm for the next three days. Yes, I even put it in a sling, and iced/warmed. (One good thing about being an athlete who’s had various and multiple injuries is I know how to treat most of them) ANyway, point being I could’ve gone to the gym and got on a bike, or done some light cardio, btu I was lazy I chose not to. I chose to focus on the eating. I followed my eating plan to the letter for 4 days. I started to feel the difference on Day 3, but I restrined myself from weighing in or measuring. The point is to keep at it for ten days.

I slipped up last night and had myself a Rootbeer and some fries from McDonalds. . I couldn’t help it, I was soooo hungry and I was no where near healthy food, and I know that one MAJOR key thing is to not starve yourself. Starving yourself or cutting back on your calories too much puts your body into Starvation mode and it will start storing everything you eat, and you won’t be burning the calories you need to bur n to lose weight. ANyway, so I gave in, but all in all, that was the only soda I;ve had for 5 days (and I’m proud of that) and the only junk. And fries, while fired, and while salty, are still potato – a vegetable. (Yes, I can rationalize anything )

So this morning, feeling bad, I weighted myself. I knew I had to have lost at least 5 pounds, I can feel the difference in my clothes..and it’s 8 Pounds!!!

Tomorrow I start working out again, (My elbow joint is still tender, but I can work around it now) so I’m looking forward to continued results. And I won’t weigh in until my 10th Day. And I promise myself no more slippage.

Slippage is acceptable, but if it happens it’s not slippage anymore. It’s a bad habit.

I’ve been eating eggs and egg whites for breakfast, and I’m still nto bored of them. (And I’ve got smoe super fast easy recipes to share.)

Today I want to share what I’m having for lunch with you. It’s TUNA SALAD and as you can see when I tried to take the pic, Scarlet likes Tuna.

*Can of Flaked Tuna in water (Drained)
*Chopped Romain lettuce
*Chopped Baby Spinach
*Diced Green Onions
*Mustard and Olive Oil Dressing

It’s pretty simple. You choippe the romain up, chop the spinach up, toss themtogether in the bowl. Put the tuna on top, then sprinkle with green onions.

In a separate bowl, mix 2 or three teaspoons of mustard with one teaspoon of Olive Oil. Then drizzle over salad and mix in.

I think next time I’m going to add some cherry tomatoes, too. It’s not the best salad ever, but it’s good. And it healthy and full of flavor.

TIP:I always dice up the complete bunch of Green onions when I get them. I store them in a tupperware container in my fridge and the last 3-4 days (with the lid on) . I do this so I can just grab a tablespoon or two for my scrambled eggs in the morning, or salads, or whatever. It’s easy, and a good way to add flavor and vegetable to anything.


  1. Fedora

    That salad looks yummy! And congrats on your forward progress! Keep on! (Hope your elbow’s better soon!) And as everyone’s said, worry not about a little slip–the important thing is your steady movement in the same direction (a little slip won’t make a big difference in the long run!)

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