One Week

One Week

YAY! Through no doing of my own, I have 6 days in a row off from work at the bar. ANd man have I got a To-do list! LOL

One of the things on the list is to write. Another is to work out. Yet another is to pretty up my patio.

I have a huge long balcony that I love. Last year I spent lots of time and money on flowers and indoor-outdoor carpeting, and made it all pretty. But I suck at the flowers/plant thing, and got very discouraged when the flowers died and didn’t rebloom for the rest of the summer. Then there was the “fire incident.” (For which my Mom is due to come over and we’ll be re-painting /staining the walls to cover up the damage. LOL)

I thought I blogged about it, but I can’t find it in the archives so here’s a brief summation.

Pots_02Last year my Mom came over to help me paint my condo. She works at Home Depot and is into all that sort of stuff, so it was a good time for us. But my Mom smokes, and I make her smoke outside. She was sitting on my balcony, smoking and she put out her cigarette in the dirt in one of my flower pots. She left soon after that, and I started snoozing on my sofa in the living room. (Hey, I’d actually gotten up early to paint so I was tired!) In my sleep I could smell smoke, but I thought it was my neighboors (They have a firepit in their backyard) or someone bar-be-queing. The crackling sound of the fire didn’t register either. I vaguely heard someone saying “Hello? Hello-o?” Then suddenly the tone of the call changed, panic becoming more evident. “HELLOO__O! HEY! HEY! SOMEBODY THERE!!” I sort of woke up and stumbled to my patio door to see what was going on outside, and “MY DECK WAS ON FIRE!”
Quick thinker I am I grabbed a vase of flowers form inside, tossed the flowers on the floor and started dumping water on it. A few runs through the house with the vase and a jug filling and alternating pails of water got it dowsed. Seems my mom’s cigarette butt hadn’t quit been Out, and the hot hot sun burning down on the flowers caused a spark, and my flower pot went up in flames, and then it caught the side of my building, (that’s when the fire crackling got louder and the neighboor realized it was getting bad and the whole tone of things changed)
So I’ve had planter pot melted into my deck floor and big bad ugly black scorch marks for a year now. Getting it fixed is on my To-do list this week.

So is taking a walk in the river valley with my camera. Maybe I can get some good nature pictures to post on my Photoblog.

So todays plan, as my day off/start day was to help my Mom fix the outside of my building and replant some pots for my deck. But she just called and said it’s not warm enough to do the painting. So now I’m off to the mall to do a bunch of shopping for little things that I’ve put off. (Cats need a new litter box,and food dishes, and maybe a few toys). I’m also going ot try and get the disks from my friends photos hoot burned so I can set them aside for a while (I get to easily distracted by playing with the photos when I should be writing), and yes, I still need to do my 2008 taxes. *sigh*

So, those are my plans for the week…what are yours?


  1. Noelle S.

    Hi Sasha,

    I have belonged to the Yahoo group Wicked Writers for about a month now and for some reason just caught on to the fact that you are a writer. 😳

    Your book sounds absolutely fantastic and will definately be on my TBR list. I must say that in the last couple of months pouring over writer’s sites, you are definately the most interesting person I have run across.

    I lurk alot, but I will be back to say hello. Hope you have a great week off.


  2. Hi Noelle,
    I’m going to take that you didn’t know I’m a writer as a compliment. It means I’m not all about pimping myself, right? LOL

    Now to contradict that…I’m guessing you mean MOST WANTED sounds good, since it’s my latest release, but you’ll find over 10 more books already out and pubbed if you look on my bookshelf page. 🙂

    Glad you find me interesting, and we’ll see you again!


  3. Sasha, I hear you on the taxes. I JUST did mine last week!!

    Have a fun day shopping. I’m thinking of going to the mall myself to pick up a few things I need, but can’t seem to muster the energy. The packers are in on Thursday so I should probably get ready for them too, but blah. I’d rather take a nap.

  4. Karin

    My plan for the week is to go to work, play volleyball the two nights I have it (weather permitting), and to get my first week’s assignments for my class done before Saturday so I can relax and enjoy the holiday on Saturday.

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