Learning As I Go

Learning As I Go

Still diddling with pictures more than words. I think maybe becasue it’s less solitary, and right now, I’m sort of refilling my energy stores by being with friends. I’m blessed to have such good friends. They model for me, and let me play photographer so I can practice. Check out some more photos from a recent shoot with a friend. Click on the photo to see a larger version.


Want to see more of STR’s pictures from the same shoot? Click here.


  1. Lynn R.

    My favourite is IMG_2846.jpg. Really good composition, the shading is just right, and I really like the “demure” look on her face. My next fav is IMG_2853.jpg, mostly because it’s a full body (mostly), and shows her outfit. Personally, I’d tweak the shading a bit, so that it’s closer to that in the 2846 shot, but it’s good as it is, too.



  2. There were a lot more full body shots (IF you follow the link to the other pages you’ll see some) But some of what would be my favorites didn’t turn out so well because of the shadows. Thats what I get for doing a shoot in the full mid-afternoon sun. LOL LiKe I said. I’m learning.

    . I find it very interesting how everyone always has their own favorite. My favorite is 2846 and 2852-4 . For some reason I like either really deep color or the faded colors. Not sure why. πŸ™‚

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