Tv Talk

Tv Talk

Does any one here watch Private Practice? Didi you seas the season opener last night? My lord, I think I had tears rolling right from the start. You see, I actually forgot how it ended, (the whole Violet /baby/ crazy person thing.) So the beginning startled me, and then it all came rushing back. I love it when a show gets to me emotionally like that.

Then there was SUPERNATURAL. I’ve been a super fan of this show from the start, although I have questioned where some of the storylines last season were going. ANd at the end of last weeks episode when it looked like they were going to continue to pit brother against brother, I was not feeling the love for Eric Kripke. However, I am once again a believer. I can’t wait to see the rest of this season with the boys kicking ass together!!

I’m not sure what I think of this season of BONES yet. So far it hasn’t stood out as anything great, or anything disappointing. Same with The Mentalist. I like it, but I’m waiting. Criminal Minds is in the same’ol same’ol category too. I’m glad Hotch lived, but that series is never one that I’ve waited for the next episode with baited breath. I like it. I watch it every week, and some are fantastic, others are good. It rarely disappoints.

LIE TO ME on the other hand, still has me completely hooked. Still want more. Same with SONS OF ANARCHY. I love that show. I want Jax for myself. And I can’t wait to see what happens next!

What about you? what are you watching? What are you impatient for each week? Any new shows I should be checking out?


  1. AACK! I didn’t realize Supernatural had started again! It should be DVR’ing but I’m gonna check…

    Still hooked on everyone’s favorite mass murderer, ditto everyone’s favorite pot dealing suburban mom, still hooked on Eureka but it just ended for the season, ditto Burn Notice, let’s see…hope to heck that Z Rock comes back.

    Have just started watching the Big Bang Theory – cute, not addictive. Taped a few Sons of Anarchy just to see…and that’s it. For now.

    I’m a TV holic and I’m no longer ashamed to admit. I read and I write in front of the TV.

    BTW: the daughter was recently doing a Brain Teaser game on her Nintendo DS. She was doing a history game, and I was floored at some of the things she identified – she knew Roosevelt was WWII, she knew who shot Lincoln and who shot Kennedy and got some others correct. She’s 7 – I was impressed. She said she knew it from all the History Channel and Military Channel shows she watches with us. So there, idiot box-haters…

  2. Flashpoint.

    The season premier about killed me.

    This weeks show was amazing too

    Criminal Minds. LOVE IT! I have a problem though. This year I’ve started loving the show Glee – the bits I can watch at any rate. It’s on at the same time as Criminal Minds. *sigh*

  3. I can already see that one of the boys on Supernatural has to die, and I’m dreading it, but I won’t stop watching. Nothing else has grabbed me this season. I’m finally watching the first seasons of Grey’s Anatomy because I never got that show. Do now. I cry every episode. 😆

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