I went to see Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT when it was in theaters. Not so much because I’ve always been a MJ fan, but because At one point in my life, I was. I was in junior high when Thriller was released. All through junior high and high school MJ was there at every dance or party. I never really took a stand on if I thought he did or didn’t do some things. To me, there were others in the world who had much more knowledge than I did, and I wasn’t going to judge. I preferred to focus on the music. And knowing that his songs were such a big part of my memories, I thought “How can I not go see this?”
And I’m so glad I did. The show wasn’t exactly what I’d expected, but it was better. It wasn’t about Michael’s life. It was about his music, his talent, and his energy. The man himself, and the concert preprations, and wow…what a concert it would’ve been. They had some amazing things planned.
The music. The writing. The words…That man had a magical way with words, and there isn’t anyone who can deny it. When I left the theater all I wanted to do was go home and write. I wanted to be positive, to live life and focus on the good. Life, and those who surround you in your daily life, can sometimes break you down. Be it bad reviews for your books, a cranky co-worker or boss, someone who cut you off on the road, things can pile up on a person and we lose ourselves in the negativity. I’ve learned one way to pull myself away from that is to focus on what *I’m* doing. Yes, self centered. But really, sometimes all a person has control of is themself. And one of the things I’ve been using lately to help stay positive is music.
The other day I felt like I needed a positivity boost so I downloaded the soundtrack from THIS IS IT. Listening to the album not only makes me feel good, it inspires me.
What’s inspired you lately?
Lori Armstrong’s kickass mysteries inspired me lately.
I agree, we can only control what we do. We can only change what we do. And doing that tends to lead to a positive frame of mind.
Are you talking about the Julie Collins books? I LOVED them. I even reviewed them her when they came out. I can’t wait for her new series. It should be out soon.
Yes, the Julie Collins series. No Mercy should be out now but I haven’t found it in stores yet. I continue to stalk booksellers in search of.
David Tennant’s Dr. Who. I know, I’m such a geek. But I never really enjoyed Dr. Who until him. He’s tall, gangly, and you think, homely—but only at first. His eyes are so soulful and he’s such a good actor that you forgive the cheese of the show and go with his emotions. He’s beautiful, but now he’s gone.