A uniform can be anything. Sure cops, firemen, paramedica all look ho tin their uniforms. Army camo is also sexy, I have no idea why…I think because it makes me think of rough, tough and ready for anything. Anyway, back on target here. Another thing that I always find super sexy, is a man in all black. Black suit, black shirt, black tie…or even acolored tie, yeah, to me thats hot. Even hotteer, black utility pants, black t-shirt, big boots..and maybe a few weapons all carried off with a subtle air of confidence so that you know this guys knows how to use all of his weapons.
A man like Joe.
This snippet is a bit long, but I just couldn’t figure out where to cut off the scene. LOL I hope you enjoy it.
When Joe came up to the office that afternoon to help me take the cash down to the vault, there was instant sexual tension between us. Not just the regular hum of awareness that had become normal whenever we were in the same vicinity, but an intense vibration that arched through the air almost visibly.
He looked so fine in his crisp navy uniform. The shirt hugged his broad shoulders and tightened just a tad over his chest. The pants looked tailored to fit his tight butt and fall smoothly over his thighs. The equipment belt on his hips framed the equipment package under his zipper nicely, making my mouth water.
Neither of us spoke. We went about our normal routine of loading the cash cart and waving to the cashiers. His chest brushed against my bare arm when he reached past me to hit the elevator call button, making me shiver.
When the elevator doors shut behind us and we were alone, Joe turned his head and we just looked at each other. There was an almost magical communication going on as we flirted with each other silently. Anticipation built and arousal unfurled in my belly. A need started to build inside me. The need to get closer to him, to touch him, to taste him. To be claimed by him. To let him know I was still his.
The lift pinged and the doors slid open. Joe stepped outside and I followed him down the hall, the friction of my thighs rubbing together as I walked putting me on edge. We remained silent while we waited for the timer on the vault, while we put the money away, and when we exited the bank. We walked side by side down the hallway again, until Joe stopped at the surveillance room. Our eyes met and said good-bye as I continued on to the elevator.
I stepped back into the cash office upstairs and considered a trip to the ladies room for a quick wank.
Just when I’d decided that wasn’t what I was craving, the phone on my desk rang. A shiver danced down my spine and I knew it was Joe.
“I need you to come to the surveillance room, Ms.Long,” he said when I picked up.
My pulse raced and my sex clenched. The last time I went to the surveillance room, Joe bent me over the counter and fucked me hard. I looked up at the security camera in the corner, and spoke into the pone, “I’ll be right there.”
Sara was due in any minute because the Friday night shift started early, and the cashiers had enough coin when I checked with them. I locked up the cash office and told them I’d be back in fifteen.
It might be a bit longer than fifteen minutes, but they didn’t need to know that right then.
The elevator ride back down made me antsy. I shifted my weight side to side, the motion making the seam of my slacks dig into my slit just a bit. I strode down the hall with poise and a deliberate swing to my hips.
When I entered the surveillance room, Charles Fiddler, the casino’s General Manager, was in there with Joe. My flirty greeting froze in my throat and my spine snapped straight. “Good afternoon, Mr. Fiddler.”
Charles Fiddler was not what one expected when thinking of a general manager. His ink black hair hung in a ponytail down his back, and his mahogany skin was lined from the sun and full of character. He looked like he should be sitting cross-legged in front of an animal skin tepee, smoking a pipe and dispensing wisdom.
“Katie,” he said warmly, reaching for my hand, pulling me into the center of the room. “It’s so good to see you. How are you?”
“I’m doing well, thank you. And yourself?” I glanced over his shoulder at Joe and he gave me a small
“Life always has its ups and downs, but basically it’s good.” He released my hand after another small squeeze, and stepped away. “I’m heading out now. Joe, I’ll leave everything to you. Have a nice weekend, Katie.”
Relief flowed though me when he left the room. For a minute there I thought I’d been called down for a reprimand or something. Not that I’d done anything wrong, but you never know.
Joe and I were left alone and my body temperature started to rise again.
“You teased me,” he said, and began a slow walk around me. He used that tone of voice. The one that told me it was time to play. Time for the freedom of letting go.
“Yes, I did.” I clasped my hands together in front of me.
A light touch drifted across my buttocks. “It felt good,” I answered.
“And you’ll do anything that feels good, won’t you, Katie?”
He came to a standstill directly in front of me. I gazed up at him and felt my heart crack at the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. I’d caught glimpses of it before, and wondered what had happened to put it there. One day, I told myself, I will find out.
“Only with you.” I spoke softly and reached for
He grabbed my hands before I could touch him. With a dip of his head his lips were on my neck. He kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear, and my insides started to tremble.
“Get on your knees,” he whispered, his lips brushing my earlobe.
I remembered the first time I got on my knees for him, and he’d left me aching and frustrated for days afterwards. But my legs bent, lowering me to the floor. When I was on my knees he released my hands and stoked my hair. One hand cupped my chin and lifted, tilting my head back. “Only with me, right?”
I nodded. “Only for me, right?” I nodded again. “Show me,” He said. “Undo my zipper and show me
how much you love to please me.” The rasp of metal teeth separating echoed through
the room, heard clearly over the distant hum of the surveillance monitors five feet away. I reached into the fold of his pants and pulled out his semi-hard cock. Even only half hard he was beautiful.
I could see the shadow of his nest of curls through the flap of his pants when I reached a hand in and cupped his balls. My other hand circled the base of his shaft while I leaned in and breathed. It twitched in my hand at the feel of my breath, and I inhaled the scent of him.
Parting my lips, I slipped him into my mouth and suckled. It was the first time I ever had a semi hard cock in my mouth, and the feel of it growing as I sucked made my insides hot and my core ache. One hand fondled his balls in their satiny sac while the other squeezed the root of his cock. I slid my mouth along his thickening erection until only the head was inside my mouth.
I sucked at the end and felt the blood rush into his cock. It heated and throbbed in my hand and I pulled my mouth off him. Tipping my head back I looked up to see Joe watching me closely. His large hand curved around the back of my head, his fingers massaging my scalp as he gave me a sweet smile. I watched his face while my tongue darted out and licked him like a lollipop.
“You’re such a tease,” he shook his head.
I grinned and closed my eyes, lowering my head and concentrating on what I was doing. What I was feeling.
Joe tasted unbelievably good. I pulled my hand away from his balls and braced it on a hard thigh while I leaned into him. I bobbed my head up and down, keeping the suction steady, swirling my tongue around the now rigid cock in my mouth. Saliva coated him, and things started to get sloppy. Joe groaned, “Oh yeah, Angel. That’s it.”
His praise heated me up and I shifted my knees closer together. With a slight bend forward, my pants rubbed against my swollen clit, and my inner muscles clenched. My mouth was full and I sighed. It was a sigh of pleasure at more that just the physical gratification. But the mental as well.
This freedom, this knowledge that I could completely be myself with this man and know that he didn’t judge me for it. That he encouraged my inner slut to come out.
The fingers tangled in my hair tightened and I tasted the precious fluid of pre-come. Loving that Joe was letting me control the pace, I eased down the length again. When I reached the flared head, I pressed my tongue on the underside of the ridge and bobbed my head up and down fast. Sucking, just the head, hard and fast. His other hand joined the first on my head. I could feel his tension, the way he wanted to grip my head and thrust in deep, but he teased us both by holding back, letting me keep control.
Another groan echoed through the room and I pulled my lips off him completely. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft, pressing along the throbbing veins and teasing him.
“Katie,” he growled.
My satisfied smile was hidden by the act of quickly engulfing his cock in my mouth again. I couldn’t fit him in completely, but with my hand matching the rhythm of my mouth he was getting lots of attention. I picked up the pace and added a little twist to the hand movement so it swiveled up his cock and was rewarded when he reached down and cupped my aching breasts through my thin shirt.
He fondled them for a brief minute then slid his hand in under the scoop neck of my top. He pushed aside the cups of my lace bra and his fingers clamped around my stiff nipples.
I hummed my gratification as he pinched and rolled the sensitive tips, bolts of pleasure going from there directly to my sex.
“You like that, don’t you, Angel?” Joe crooned. “I know all your little hot spots. I bet you can come from this can’t you?”
Saliva and a steady flow of pre-come lubricated his cock and the sloppy sound of sucking blended with my hum of agreement. My hips twitched and my clit got friction, bringing another moan forth.
“Faster, baby. Just a bit more.”
Joe’s thigh was rock hard under my hand, and I could feel a slight tremor run though him. I increased my speed again, sucking harder, running my tongue up the underside and keeping a tight grip with my hand. I used every trick I’d ever read about and boundless enthusiasm.
His hips thrust forward, his fingers tightened on my nipples, and a long low groan filled the room. His cock throbbed hotly in my hand as liquid warmth spurted down my throat. I pulled back a little and sucked just the tip, swallowing everything he had to give.
When Joe’s hands pulled upwards, taking my nipples with them, I stumbled to my feet with a gasp. He wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tight as more small tremors shook him.
After a minute he planted a soft kiss on my lips and spoke softly. “You made my knees week, Angel. Thank you.”
A pleasant glow warmed my cheeks, but I couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably.
“You didn’t come did you?” he asked.
I shook my head. “It’s ok though. I like to please you.”
“No, it isn’t ok.” He took me by the arm and led me to the counter by the security monitors. With a quick spin he had me so that I was facing the camera. My back to his chest. “You watch the monitors now, while I make my good girl come.”
He kissed my cheek, and then the hollow of my neck. He made quick work of the button on my slacks as he nibbled on my ear. He slipped one hand into my pants, and the other played with my exposed breasts.
A whimper jumped from my throat as his talented finger zeroed in on the hard knot of nerves between my thighs. When my hips started to rotate, jerking against his touch, he dipped in further. With a sure thrust, two fingers slid into my slick entrance. He pumped his finger in and out, the palm of his hand rocking on my clit as I whimpered. His hot breath panted in my ear and his teeth nibbled on the susceptible nub of flesh there.
“Come on, Angel,” he purred into my ear. “I can feel your muscles tightening. Your hungry pussy wants more doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” I gasped. “Oh yes, more, Joe. Please. More.”
I reached behind me and grabbed his hips, pulling him tight against me as my knees bent, my stance widened and I humped his hand.
“Good Girl. Fuck my hand. Make yourself come.” His words freed something inside me. When he tightened his grip on a nipple, a sharp bolt of pleasure — pain shot to my sex, and my eyes slid closed, bliss resonating throughout my body.
“You sure you have plans tonight?” Joe asked, his voice husky as he held me close for a few more seconds.
“Yes, I’m sure.” I pulled away slowly, and straightened my clothes. “Trust me, they’re important plans or I’d cancel them for a night with you.”
I went up on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. “Tomorrow?”
“We’ll see,” he said with a tight smile. “You better get back to work now.”
The walk back to the cash office was a fast one. I got there just in time to start balancing the vault before Sara started her shift.
Want to see a bit more of BOUND? CLICK HERE
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lordy.lordy.woman!…mmm….I think I need a cigarette & a moment alone….I been wantin’ this book Hard, so bads I can taste it!! LOL! I need this book, gotta hAve this book!! mmm…*sigh* and Sasha, your a bad, bad girl for teasin’ me like this!….don’t stop babe
I wonder if I’m the only one who thought your blog title meant Nazi uniforms?
I live to tease!
Toni, judging by the comments on twitter, I’d say nope. You’re not the only one. LOL Funny thing…it never even occurred to me when I wrote it that way. LOL