Blog Time

Blog Time

Yesterday was a bad day for me. No one special reason, just so many little irritating and annoying things that kept piling on for the past week or so, and finally I thought. I’m done.

Some things I have the capability to change, others I don’t. So I”m going to change a couple things in my life. One of which is way less time on Facebook.

When I first started writing, I knew nothing really about the business. By the time I found the eHarlequin Boards to hang out on, I’d had half dozen or so short stories published, and I was getting ready to attempt my first novel. (It fell short and became a long novella, but hey, it still sold, and Gypsy Heart has become a reader favorite)

Back then, blogs were fairly new, and I had one I wrote on every day-as did several others. We had this circle of authors who blogged and commented on each others posts and build friendships by sharing experiences and knowledge. Several times in the past I’ve tried to get back to blogging, and found the lack of response from people disheartening. But you know whats even more disheartening? The negativity of social media sites like Facebook.

I find myself feeling good when I log on, and depressed and lonely when I log off, so I’ve decided to stop surfing it. I hate that this may cause me to lose touch with some people, but then I remind myself of the times when my circle of blog friends was small, but I truly felt like I knew the people who commented, because they would converse and share in their comments, and I would click back to their blog and read whats going in their life. And it was more than a sentence about what they had for dinner, or how many words they wrote that day, or the fact that they did their laundry.

I’m not saying Social media, doesn’t have it’s place, and maybe my age is showing but I’m tired of the hit and run “Status Update” and all the me, me, me, I, I, I. I want to connect with people, and having them Friend me or follow me doesn’t actually do that. I think the numbers become a popularity contest and gain too much significance. Is Social media misleading? or am I just getting old and sentimental?

Deleting my page/profile won;t happen. I’ll still use them, as I do feel they have their place, but the main thing I’ll be doing is posting links to my blog here, because I hope people will come read them, and interact. I’d love to say I’ll blog every day, but I wont. And not eery post will be full of information or opinions or knowledge, but I’ll be sharing myself for those who want to get to know me. And in limiting my time to sharing this way, I’ll hopefully get back to writing more, as writing these posts are a great warm up for a day of word-smithing, where as posting a status tends to be a non-started for my writing mentality. Others will say differently for sure, but you know what? That’s the great thing about people. We’re not all the same. *ggg*

So, be honest with me….how much do you love/hate Facebook? And what about Twitter? Personally I enjoy twitter more, not sure why, maybe because it”s more like an actual Chat room with the world and less like a bulletin board? And I’m not gonna start on Pinterest, because I actually like that one too much. *blush*


  1. I also enjoy Twitter more but I also spend a lot of time chatting with Melissa Blue on Facebook (Usually abt writing/business stuff that you can’t do in 140 characters). My only beef with Twitter is that it’s VERY noisy and most of the noise is promo-bs, so I find myself constantly cleaning up my twitter feed. I don’t follow a ton of folks on Facebook (relatively speaking). ANd FWIW I also miss the good old days but I can’t seem to get back into blogging for some reason πŸ™

  2. I agree about a lot of what you said, Amie. I have a hard time getting back into it as well, but I think it’s just habit. We’ll see. LOL
    As for chatting on FB, that’s one of the things I hate about it. The way that people now use it instead of emails, and while I can see the ease if it at times, I really distrust the privacy of it. Plus, it’s hard to follow sometimes.
    And you can have Private Messges on Twitter too you know. πŸ˜‰ or, iMessage, or does anyone even use MSN anymore? LOL

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