The other side…

The other side…

This morning I was catching up on my emails and when I clicked on the one from Ilona Andrews blog(yes, I get the emails because I forget to surf over everyday) and my heart literally clenched when I saw it.

The title is Done, because they are finally done writing the first draft of the last Kate Daniels book. It’s bittersweet because as an author I know the feeling of finally getting through a story that you’ve struggled with (and someday I hope to feel that way with Carnal) and I’m happy for them, but as a reader, ohhh so many feels.

Magic_Triumphs.inddI want to read this book so very much, but at the same time I really don’t want to because it’s the end of that series. One of the very few that I autobuy as soon as the pre-order button comes up. I have it in print and digital so I will always have copies. I dream of someday being able to write a series with so much of everything (love, magic, friendship, family, mystery, violence, humor)in it. And the truly funny thing about my love for this series is that I almost never read it.

You see, I read books one and two, and really enjoyed them, and when I dove into book three I was waiting for Kate and Curran to get together. I mean, they HAD too. When it didn’t really happen, and we didn’t really learn the full extent of Kate’s secret of parentageI gave up. I was upset, and felt it would drag on forever and said I wasn’t going to keep reading the series.

Then book four came out, and  my friend Jordan Summers the wait was worth it. Book four was the payoff and I needed to read it. So I did. She was right. It brought everything home, and I was hooked for life.

Thankfully, just because the Kate Daniels series is ending, the world is not. I look forward to more Julie, more Hugh, more Derek and anything else they dream up.


Like Jennifer Estep and Kelley Armstrong, the Ilona Andrews team has become an author I will read, no matter what they put out.



  1. Beth, I love when that happens. When you find a series you can just jump into and stay with for a while. It’s why I tend to reread them every couple years too. I’m starting this one again this monthat book1, so I can read all ten in order without interuption. 🙂

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