Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Party Month!!

This month is my website one year anniversary!! Yes, I will use any reason to throw a party.*g* I’ve actually been writing for about 4 years, but March of last year was when I decided to get serious, and I got the website. So, I’ve a few things planned for …


I’m feeling mellow so I went for a softer, more sensual pic to start this week off gently. Did I forget to mention the Buns oF Steele?:blush:


I’d just finished cruising through Wal-Mart and was walking away from the cashier, thoughts of camping on my couch for the weekend to watch SEASON 5 of ANGEL on DVD filling my head, when I felt eyes on me. I glanced to my left and saw a woman leaning on …


I’m the first person to admit that discussions on ‘the craft of writing’ tend to leave me glassy eyed and reaching for the nearest bottle of tequila. When conversations turn to GMC and Story Arc’s I check out mentally. Why? Because when I first started to try and learn the …


My brain has been so scattered lately, and I just don’t know why. Seems it’s gone on vacation without me.:crazy: You all remember my delivery driving adventures the other night? :doze: Well, I went into work last night, and did the stupidist thing ever!! I had a table of two …

Runaway time…

I can’t believe it’s after 3 already! :O I have little more than an hour before i have to go to work and I’ve not accomplished anything today. Actually, I have done some stuff…like 1) a lot of chatting. 😀 2) Gathered some info on a promo idea. 3) Some …

Delivery Girl

Some would think that I could be a man’s fantasy come true…an erotica writer delivering pizza…but not tonite. :plain: You see, as a way to help out at work I offered to be the “on call” delivery driver for Saturday and Sunday nights for three hours. If they need me, …

Errand Girl.

It’s the weekend for errands.:doze: And all except the grocery shopping are writing related. (I guess even the grocery shopping is because I can’t write for long with out my Diet Coke nearby. Caffiene and sugar are a must!):P Today, I need to renew my RWA fees. I think I …