Sasha White

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Sasha White

New Year Giveaway

Tell everyone what you think … and be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate. Have you read SEXY DEVIL? Or my latest from Berkley, WICKED? If you have, then why haven’t you told people what you think of it? Post a Reader Review on, Barnes &, or …

Slim Camp

moar funny pictures How’s the week going for y’all? I had a not so great weekend, diet wise, but I’ve done really well so far this week, and the key is to just take it one day at a time. If I sound like a 12 Step program, so be …


SO, anyone who knows me knows I am not a morning person. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been up all day doing whatever, when 8 PM rolls around I become awake. Likewise, Even if I’ve slept all night, I can not be awake at 8 AM. I’m like a vampire …

News Updates

Book News: WICKED is out! You can read all about it on my Bookpage, but I wanted to share this new review with you. “WICKED by Sasha White is the best erotic story I’ve ever read. Everything from Ms. White is amazing, but WICKED struck a cord with me that …

Scarlet is fixed.

I took Scarlet to the vet yesterday to get her spayed. It was a must- do thing but I feel so bad for her! The first thing she did when we got home was run and hide under my bed. Not just under it, but up under it. There was …

Slim Camp 2008

It’s a new year, and so many people have resolutions to be healthier. I know it’s one of mine..the sad thing is, it’s been one of my resolutions every year for the past many years. So what’s different this year? Well, I’m not ready to share that with you all …


IRON KISSED by Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson is back, and oh how I love her. I really enjoyed both MOON CALLED and BLOOD BOUND, but Patricia Briggs takes it to a whole new level with IRON KISSED. The story starts off not long after where BLOOD BOUND ended, and gets …