New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Catch Up

Catch Up

I write this on Saturday late night…I’ll update aboutt he MS WALK later. 🙂

So Friday night work gin the bar was eventful as usual. This time there was no hockey game, but YAY OILERS ~ they closed out the series last night and made it to the Finals!!! ~ Eh Hmm.. Sorry about that..back to my story from Friday night. So Friday was a nice steady night. No bitchy customers, some nice guys to flirt with, people having a good time and making some money at it. Then just before last call a couple came in that my manager said could barely walk (I didnít actually see them walk in as I was with a different table)
It was young couple, when I went over to them they were all over each other. They had a bit of attitude, by young I mean very in remember in Alberta the legal drinking age is 18, and these two were questionable. When I was talking to them it was apparent they were a bit drunk, I didnít bother Id’ing them because I just told them I wasnít going to server them. I felt they were to drunk. Shit it was half an hour until close and they were young and full of attitude. I didnít want to deal with them, and luckily, I didnít have to. SO I thought they left. Apparently they just made a trip to the ladies room. The one toiled wheelchair size room. Uh huh..You see where this is going? Young, horny, full-of attitude drunk 18 year olds in a big empty washroom. Well, I can tell you I think Iíve solidly lost my reputation as the biggest bitch to be scared of in our place. You see, these kids messed up the ladies room. Whether they just got carried away screwing around, or did it maliciously because weíd refused to serve them, who knows? But T, the manager on duty saw them both come out of the ladies room and run. Bu they left behind a cell phone, and when they came back to get it, and pretend it wasnít them that had trashed our bathroom, T called the cops and had them charged with Mischief. LOL See, now me, I’d probably have scared the shit out of them myself, threatened to cal the cops, made them pay for it to be fixed. But she actually did charge them.

This made me laugh. Not that the whole thing was funny, but it was funny to me because it made me so glad that I’m not a manager anymore. As a simple bartender, it wasn’t up to me to deal with it. I enjoyed that. 😀

Today was just supposed to be the day to was the Hockey game, but when walking past the movie theatre I smelled popcorn, so we went to see The DaVinci Code. Now, I haven’t read the book, but I did enjoy the movie. Even though I figured out what the secret was right away, I was wrong in my first choice for who the Teacher was. It was enjoyable, but not a movie Iím willing to rave about.
Next up for movie is X-Men!!
I should be in bed right now, sleeping, since I have to be up early to do the walk for MS at 8:30 in the morning. But, Iím always awake at night and it’ s time to catch up on some things, like blogging.

The other thing I’m catching up on is the June issue of Secret Thoughts. It should be up on the first of the month, so if you haven’t signed up yet now is your chance. If you do it in the next day or two, thereís still a chance you could win the free Blog design my wonderfully talented web mistress is giving away. But you have to become a Secret Thoughts member to find out how.

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