

Does anyone else out there watch GREY’S ANATOMY?
Did Ya watch it tonight?
I love clifhangers, and I hate them. The only good thing about this one is that the two hour finale is tomrrow night so I’m only left haning for one night.

If you watch it…who do you think Meredith should end up with? Who do you think she will end up with? And what do you think of Callie? Georges girl? I’ve not decided how I feel about her yet myself. I used to like Izzie, but after tonight’s show I think she’d turned into a nut case. 😕

Just so you’all know, I’m having a Blog Party from Tuesday -Sat this week. There will be guest bloggers, story excerpts, and giveaways so hang out!


  1. Love Grey’s.

    My jaw dropped in the last thirty seconds last night and all I wanted to do was hit fast forward on the remote as though I already had the second half taped. LOL Thankfully its only eight hours away, though I’m beginning to think I may have to actually get back to writing when I don’t have that Sunday timeslot to be seated in front to the TV. And even though I haven’t seen the last two hours, I’m figuring September won’t return fast enough for the next season. 😛

  2. Sydney, I KNOW! I was actually so happy to hear there was two more hours tonight. I though that was the season finale and I was ready to kill!! I mean a bit of a cliffhanger is okay, but that would’ve been bad!!’

  3. I know just what you mean, Sasha! I am now dying to see what happens next. I really wanted to see Meredith back with Dr. McDreamy, so I was very happy about that part, but of course there is going to be a lot of fallout. The worst part was I had to watch 24 at the same time, so I had to flip back and forth for an hour, and I missed a bunch. I hate that! But at least they didn’t make us wait a whole week. Now, if I can make it to the fall… :crying:

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