I love Jensen

I love Jensen

If you’re not a Supernatural fan, then why not?

And if you are, did you see this weeks show? did you stay to watch the end>? check it out..


  1. I love it!

    I watched a couple of eps of Supernatural from season 1. I liked them, even if they’re a little too horror for my tastes. However, I just can’t face catching up with all the seasons so I doubt I’ll ever watch the series. Much as it looks very appealing.

  2. Jared is cool too, but man, Jensen’s great. You just know he has to have that sarcastic smart ass personality of Dean in him, yet I bet his sense of humor is killer too. Plus he’s hot. LOL

    Jorrie, I have the three seasons on DVD, and I’ve watched it from the start. Not all of the episodes are horror-ish, but I admit, those ones are my favorites. LOL

  3. LOL, that cracks me up. I love it when they cut loose. I haven’t seen the episode yet, but I do have it taped. Off to watch it now. The boy is definitely easy on the eyes. They both are, but Jensen has that added bad boy thing going for him. You just know there is dirt lurking beneath that sexy exterior. *g*

  4. Jordan, I had it taped too, and when I watche dit, the tape ended right where it said Supernatal presents Jensen Ackles. I was like What? What? I just KNOW there’s something there I have to see….so I looked it up on youtube. LOl So glad I did, I love it when we get a glimpse at the actors as people.

  5. OMG!!! I loved last week’s episode. Throughout the whole thing I kept thinking: “I can’t believe Dad is missing this for Grey’s Anatomy!” And when the extra bit began at the end? :puh: Pure heaven.

  6. Deidre

    I loved it and what about the week before at Octoberfest with all the movie monsters? The last two episodes have been amazing. This show just keeps getting better and better.


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