Pity Pool.

Pity Pool.

Just a short dip… I promise

I admit it. I feel professional jealousy at times. And lately I’ve been feeling it more than ever. I think I’m pms’ing, but knowing that doesn’t stop the emotions from building does it?

So why am I jealous when I am actually pretty pleased with the way my own career is going? Because I feel like a nobody. I feel like the last kid standing when teams are being chosed or something. I see erotic Q&A’s going on at aplace I frequent and I wasn’t invited to take part, I see friends getting together and coming up with projects to work on together and I’m not invited to take part, I see other writers getting nominations or kudos from review sites or such and I don’t.

Recently an author asked me for a quote on her writing, and then asked me, “Who do I attribute it to Sasha White, author of Bound”?

Well, really yes, that’s all you can say. I’m not a best seller, I’ve not received any awards or kudos anywhere. I’m just a writer. Now, that author didn’t mean anything by her comment. I know this and I love her dearly. But her question sort of summed up how I’ve been feeling the last couple of days.

These feelings have also mixed up with the whole “I don’t like being single right now” thing. Sometimes I love being single, others … I hate it. I feel alone, and lonely, and like nobody cares. (Let’s pretend I didn’t just get invited to be part of that TV show Okay? Because I’m speaking about things within the writing community. Here on line.)

Now, this is not normally the type of post authors would put ontheir blog, as I’ve noticed most only like to put up good news and happy family life shit. However, I tend to share the good and the bad with you all…and just typing this out and venting has made me feel better. Selfish maybe, but it works.

Now, It’s time to get out of the pity pool and dry off. I have work to do. :batman:

Thanks for listening. 😀


  1. Hugs!

    You are valued, Sasha… People all over the web speak highly of you and you’ve had some super reviews. Try rereading those to boost your self esteem…

    I know how doubts can get a hold though… I often feel that way myself.

    Hang in there, girl…



  2. Hugs. I think it’s something in the air lately. I’ve been suffering a large bout of what you’ve just described. Intellectually, I know it isn’t true. Emotionally? It all just comes barging in.

  3. Oh Sasha, you’re just having a bad day. 🙁 You’re doing SO well, look how many titles you have out and forthcoming. Your reviews shine, and the readers love your voice. Publishers want to publish your work. That’s the real proof in this business. It’s a hard job and a lonely one, it gets to us, but you’ll come through it and get that buzz going again. I hope you feel better very soon.

  4. Thank You so much Wendy, Jean and Saskia.

    I am quite happy with the way my career is going. I love my characters and my stories and my readers, so I need to remember all this. 🙂

    I think it might be the season change too. Combined with a birthday in couple of months… Just plain ‘ol female moodiness. :blush:

    Thank You. Your words and encouragement has helped.

  5. JANET

    please dont feel like no one knows who u r. i felt like i was the only one in this town that knew who u were. cause u r in canada n i am in chicago. i read all your book, n reread them, your books are my escape from the kinda boring life i have. yesterday when i was getting my hair done cause my bf saw me a bit down so he treated me to a nice day for me, n the girl that did my hair her n i were talking about books cause i was reading one of beth williamsons books n she asked me who she was n i told her ” if it was not for sasha whites sight i would not know who she was” she jumped up n told me ” u read sashas books” i was like yeah i swear by her, n she got so happy that there was another person out here in chicago that knows who u r. we raved all about bound n gypse heart. lol i am glad i found a book buddy now to share our opinions on. so what i am trying to say is. (got to stop ranting lol) we all praise u and what u write n with out your brilliant storys i dont know what i would be reading this summer. so ty for being who u r. 😳

  6. :love:
    Thank You, Janet. Not just for the words of encouragement and angel on my shoulder, but also for loving my stories enough to talk about them! (ANd Beth’s. I love Beth’s stories too. she always makes me cry :blush:)

    Thanks You!

  7. Hi Sasha,
    You are not a nobody. You are a very talented woman, who writes compelling stories in a very difficult genre. 🙂 If you weren’t invited to the Q &.A it’s their loss. You’ve sold many manusripts right? I’m sure that takes persistence, just to deal with the rejection letters alone!! I couldn’t do that, but you have. I’m sure you have done a lot of things that others haven’t, right? You’ve travelled a lot right? that is difficult. You can take solace in your talent,and the relationships with friends and family who love you. That’s more than most people have. If that doesn’t help, you can always love on Mystery for a while.

  8. Sasha. You are one of my literary heroes. I admire and respect your work and your honesty. Like you said, a lot of authors only do the happy stuff but just like your work, you’re real and the world and genre needs more authors like you.

    And as for your work I have two words for you, Bound and Lush. After reading Bound I really didnt think you could top Katie and Joe’s story! But you did! Any author can write a story but only a few have the ability to make it stick with a reader months, years after reading it and you’re one of them. Thank you for being an example of what an author can be.

  9. Thanks Melanie. Mystery was being a bitch yesterday . LOL I think she was pms’ing too.

    Hey Shawn, That means alot! Thank You so much!

    Cathryn, I love you darling! Big one huh? Yeah, Mine’s not a huge milestone, but knowing it’s coming has got me thinking. “Hmmm, anohter birthday, alone. ” LOL
    WHen is yours? We should have an online PARTY!!!

    LLL~ As always, your wonderful. Thank You.

  10. I heard once that comparisons are always negative; we either tend to compare our strengths to somebody else’s weakness, or our weakness to somebody else’s strength.

    There are so many authors, so many books, it’s hard not to feel invisible, no matter how well things are going. We just have to keep fighting the good fight at the keyboard! Speaking of which I need to go make my plot surrender. :duell:

  11. Loretta

    Hi, hope you spirits are up today. I haven’t read any of your books yet but do have some of them on my TBR list. just need to get a little money ahead. Two of my grandsons bithdays are next week, one after the other. Have read your excerpts and really enjoyed them. I think you are right up there with all the other authors, so don’t let yourself think you aren’t. Just keep on doning what you are doing and everything will come to you. :jump:

  12. Sasha! You are soooo successful! We all feel like this sometimes. Just think about me. I was with the Allure authors and everyone was flying and it took forever for me to get a book with just my name on it! I still feel behind all of you. As for anthos and groups stuff, I’d be thrilled to be anything with you! I know you are so back logged with deadlines I probably won’t get to until like what – the year 3000? lol – that in itself is a testiment to how in demand you are!

    Lisa, who is jealous of Sasha lol! Yes! I admit it.


  13. Sweetie, everyone feels that way sometimes.

    Re: projects — everyone gets caught up in the moment. I’m assuming you are socializing, online and otherwise, on a regular basis with lots of other writers, and not being a hermit. When putting together a project, if they’ve talked to you yesterday, they’ll think of you quicker than if it was three months ago.

    Also, I’m a big believer in being the catalyst for your own projects: you want to collaborate? Come up with a proposal and contact the authors with whom you’d like to collaborate.

    If you sit on the sidelines, you’ll be sitting on the sidelines.

    Don’t WAIT for things to happen — MAKE them happen.

    Feel better soon.

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