PMS Sucks.

PMS Sucks.

Slim Camp

Women have it rough. Not only is it natural for us to have more body fat than men, and it’s naturally harder for us to lose wieght. But we have to deal with hormanes and PMS cravings.

Although I must say, at least now I recognize that it’s not just me falling off the wagon, but an actual hard on for carbs that’s hormonal.
I remember reading a while ago about herbs or teas or foods that helped curb them…but I can’t remember where. Anyone here have any tips on how to curb the PMS cravings?

Personally, I’m holding my own, but not making much progress this week. Which is okay, my goal for this past week, and this upcoming week are to continue to just hold my own. It’s deadline crunch, and all I want is to meet my deadline, and not gain any pounds.

GO HERE and check out the joke Vanessa Jaye posted. :mrgreen:


  1. Sasha, if you don’t already have some, you have to try green tea. I’ve gone over to it almost completely. It’s said to help burn calories and cut appetite. I have a cup by my side now πŸ˜‰ Keep going!

  2. There’s an herbal tea that is formulated for PMS. I think it has a lot of evening primrose in it. Anyway, if you do a search on PMS and herbal remedies, you’ll come up with stuff.

    I’m down another 3 pounds. Yay. Also, working with the exercise ball is helping my lower back. More yay.

  3. Sasha…I’ve actually done great this week!! LOL, so far, anyway. The weekend is my challenge…as far as cravings, I buy those 100 calorie treats…they have just about everything now, including recees, chocolate covered pretzels, oreos, and even pepridge farm…I keep them for when the chocolate urge overwhelms me. That way I get my fix, and don’t totally blow it.
    I haven’t tried green tea, either…I’m going to buy some, if it will help!!
    I’ve been making myself eat these YO digestive yogurts, too. UGH!! I am not a yogurt fan, but if it helps the cause, lol…
    Hang in there Sasha!!

  4. I enjoy green tea, and drink it fairly often. But it doesn’t seem to be helping me right now. Like I said, part of it is deadline stuff. I swear my muse lives of junk food.

    I like yogurt. And I like the small low fat pudding packs, but beyond that I discovered the 100 calorie packs don’t do much for me. I just eat all the packs. 😳

    RIght now it’s a salt craving. WHich is really bad for me, but sometimes I just crave it. My friends often say I like a little popcorn with my butter and salt. πŸ™‚

  5. Dill pickle midgets. If you like dill pickles!!
    These suckers save me, especially in the morning when I get off work…I’m starving, want something crunchy…they’re considered a free food. Loaded in salt and sodium, but calorie and fat free.
    As a matter of fact, I just ate 4 little midgets…

  6. I fell off the wagon this week…

    I had one glass of Pepsi, and a whole lot of gummie bears. tee-hee

    And I only worked out twice but mini-versions of my usual 40 minute workout.

    And to top it off I feel like crap.

    Not a good week, but next week I will continue back to what I was doing.

  7. Vivi I feel like crap too. I second the tea charlie recommended. Also Evening Primrose Oil (great for your down yonder girly parts and it’s a natural anti-inflamatory) and magnesium (one of those trace minerals we don’t seem to get enough of. I actually found a brand that’s gel coated so it’s not like swallowing a piece of chalk). It works best if you take them both all month long. I noticed a HUGE diff with the girls–they were real tender when I forgot to take the magnesium.

    I also have to add that I”m on hormone replacement therapy for progestrone. Yes I’m getting to THAT age. πŸ™„

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